Did it happen or would we all be dead? Black hole.

it started out fine but they will run it non stop for a year or more if something goes wrong the particles could smash into each other and create a blACK HOLE.
there will be black holes created but lets hope that hawking is right and they will vaporize easily
stange matter could be emmited and kill us:)
With the experiment they did today it would take quite a while for something to happen as a result. So if they really did what they say they did, we don't know for sure what the repircution will be yet!
It almost seems like a punishment to me.
What do we do? We have no say in it. They have to be breaking some sort of federal crime right?
those scientist can do whatever they want really. IMO they dont care what people want as long as they are making the big bucks.If something happens they will blame it on someone else.
I AM NOT trying to enforce my religion on anyone, but in the BIBLE it says that only God knows when the world is going to end, so he is the only one I'm going to listen too on this topic.
You're not paying for it, and the only danger it poses to you is to waste your time with foolish hypotheses, so why should they ask you?
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