Did it happen or would we all be dead? Black hole.

darn I only have four more years to breed chickens? Doesn't that just beat all.

I'll stick with the good book, nobody knows the time, if someone says it IS the time, it isn't. Revelations is pretty clear on our being clueless when it happens. Like most things man does, we'll be twiddling our thumbs when it comes.

Since shortly after they murdered Christ someone has been saying the end of the world this and the anti-christ that. We're not going to know.

As to the super collider, what the heck, it does have to end sometime and it's getting ugly.
People, from whence is this anti-science thing coming?!

Surely we can be full of religious feeling and still have respect for the immense cognitive abilities we humans have. You can love God and love all that's good and not be afraid of thought, or logic, or the experimental process that is the hallmark of so much that's good in our world.

We can read, we can think, we can give our children and our chickens antibiotics when they need them, we can ride a bicycle or wear shoes or use the computers on which you are reading this- these are all things invented by us, people, with our amazing minds! They were not created or ordained by God, but by us, with God's grace and blessing, if that's how we, with our puny ability to describe beauty, choose to put it.

God didn't make aircraft or tanks or hunting guns, and many of you seem to believe they are sometimes useful. We get to choose what to invent and how to use it.

What's with all the fear and suspicion? No witch burning, please, or suspicion of evil mad scientists, either!

Celebrate all that's uniquely human. That includes science!
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When pigs fly...

I dont believe it but thats what date the myan calender has it. I watched "doomsday 2012" on youtube also. I said to my mother "If it happens, it happens. I dont really care".
People, from whence is this anti-science thing coming?!

Surely we can be full of religious feeling and still have respect for the immense cognitive abilities we humans have. You can love God and love all that's good and not be afraid of thought, or logic, or the experimental process that is the hallmark of so much that's good in our world.

We can read, we can think, we can give our children and our chickens antibiotics when they need them, we can ride a bicycle or wear shoes or use the computers on which you are reading this- these are all things invented by us, people, with our amazing minds! They were not created or ordained by God, but by us, with God's grace and blessing, if that's how we, with our puny ability to describe beauty, choose to put it.

God didn't make aircraft or tanks or hunting guns, and many of you seem to believe they are sometimes useful. We get to choose what to invent and how to use it.

What's with all the fear and suspicion? No witch burning, please, or suspicion of evil mad scientists, either!

Celebrate all that's uniquely human. That includes science!

What Chickiebaby said.

And no, the Large Hadron Collider is not going to kill us all. Black holes can only have the mass of the matter used to create them. Even if a miniature black hole was created, it would be so infinitesimally small that it wouldn't harm anyone or anything. Mmm, physics. I like!

"Science and religion are not at odds;
science is simply too young to understand." -- Anonymous
Oh my friend told me about how the world might end today by getting sucked up by a blackhole of our own creating, to which I replied "well that's a pretty cool way for the world to end, at least"

Now I know what they were talking about
Wow, that is interesting.

Personally, I believe that even though man thinks he is in control so much of the time, that he is always "under the jurisdiction" of the Lord God who can restrain mankind's intentions better than any lawsuit or court, for sure.
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