Did it happen or would we all be dead? Black hole.

I agree

nobody knows but you are giving time to be ready
I agree, but at the same time, I don;t think anything good can come out of it. I could be wrong, as i have only read a small amoutn about this, but I am very skeptical.

They say they are looking for the god particle, and theyare trying to recreate the big bang theory--what they think was how the earth was created.

Not trying to start a debate, but I don't like it.

I too don't think this is the end of the world, b/c only God know when that will happen, but......
If I see or read something I don't completely understand, I get scared too. Since I'm not a scientist and haven't a clue of what that thing exactly does, I'd be a little nervous. And why is everything rocket shaped?
All this black hole nonsense is just that - nonsense.

They have been using small particle colliders for years without a problem, this one just happens to be much larger.

Just because 2 scientists in Hawaii think CERN is going to create a tiny black hole doesn't mean it will actually happen. In this matter I will trust the experts - CERN.


I'm excited to see the results of this experiment. Hopefully it will help us to understand better the world we live in.
The Flying Spaghetti Monster (may you all be touched by his noodley appendages) does not seem to mention the end of the Earth at all, and I am sure that He (may his noodley appendages always be moist) would not have considered that the collision of two protons as being even important...

But then maybe the end of the Earth will be when we finally run out of spaghetti sauce!
Hey now, how about something IMPORTANT!!!!!
My hens laid 10 eggs today. WhooHOO!!

Sorry, when my family argues usually a drastic change of topic works.

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