Did My Nigerian Dwarf Miscarry?

Ana Robin

8 Years
Apr 29, 2014
Good morning.

I have several goats that are pregnant. One of them had a due date that came and went. She has no blood or outward signs of having given birth, she's thinner as if she's given birth and she appears to be in milk because I've seen one of her adult babies nursing and it appears that she's getting milk. We've not found any stillborn kids on the property though I'm doing a detailed search today. The mama appears to be fine... no distress whatsoever. We thought about trying to milk her. This is so weird... this mama has had successful births every year for her entire 7-year career. We've only had her for 1.5 years, but what a bummer. She's our best milker. Advice? Thanks so much!
I have had them give birth to stillborn kids. They still look like they gave birth, and act like it by calling for days. I find it odd an older is nursing on her, maybe it never stopped, and she was never pregnant.
She could have had a water pregnancy. In this case the uterus fills up with fluid and when she is due it gushes out. If you aren't there at the time you may never know. I don't know what causes it but she should breed normally next time. If she had aborted you should be able to see some bloody discharge. As for advice, there really isn't anything you can do except milk her. Milking will stimulate milk production. I have had does that aborted and we started milking them anyway. The first milking we may have gotten only one or two squirts, the next milking maybe three or four. If you keep milking her she may increase production to the point where she is giving an almost normal amount.
She could have had a water pregnancy.  In this case the uterus fills up with fluid and when she is due it gushes out. If you aren't there at the time you may never know. I don't know what causes it but she should breed normally next time. If she had aborted you should be able to see some bloody discharge.  As for advice, there really isn't anything you can do except  milk her.  Milking will stimulate milk production. I have had does that aborted and we started milking them anyway.  The first milking we may have gotten only one or two squirts, the next milking maybe three or four.  If you keep milking her she may increase production to the point where she is giving an almost normal amount.

Good to know... thank you!
I have had them give birth to stillborn kids. They still look like they gave birth, and act like it by calling for days. I find it odd an older is nursing on her, maybe it never stopped, and she was never pregnant.

Is it possible for a goat to still be in milk long after her kids have been weaned? Obviously I'm still new at this. LOL
Is it possible for a goat to still be in milk long after her kids have been weaned? Obviously I'm still new at this. LOL
No it's not, once they are dry they need to be pregnant again, but it's just as strange that an adult kid would start nursing out of nowhere. Other species have false pregnancies, so perhaps goats do too????
No it's not, once they are dry they need to be pregnant again, but it's just as strange that an adult kid would start nursing out of nowhere. Other species have false pregnancies, so perhaps goats do too????

Her kids from last year are slightly over a year old, so not full grown but long since weaned. It is strange and made be do a double take when I saw it. We're going to try and milk her... see how that goes.
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