Did you ask for advice?

rancher hicks

Free Ranging
14 Years
Feb 28, 2009
Syracuse, NY
Here's the thing about asking for advice. (I'm old, I know some things). Be prepared to accept that the advice you get may not be what your asking for. Be prepared to just say to yourself , "this person just doesn't get it." But don't ask for advice if what you really want is for others to take your side in the matter. Whatever it is. Don't ask for advice about some project your taking on if your not strong enough to take some advice. I don't think anyone here doesn't care. I believe we are all here for support but also for help so we don't make unnecessary mistakes.

So what brought this on? Someone got upset or seemed to because I wasn't all "oh that's nice" about a design for a coop and gave some advice on how to improve it. The OP asked for an appraisal and I gave it. Personally I've had chickens for three years and each year I've made changes based on what I've learned here. I've changed waterer designs more than once. Nest boxes and feeds.

What I like about BYC is that I have found like minded people about my chickenitis.
I don't think anyone here would say , " YOU SPENT HOW MUCH ON THOSE CHICKS!!"
I've learned from many here and not all agree with me on issues but I try to deal with it as best I can.

Take care and have a happy new year,


BTW the new Practical Poultry magazine has a new article titled. " Incubation Basics New DIY series". November issue I hope I didn't miss the December issue, it's a two parter.
Well said, rancher! I feel pretty much the same about some of the stuff you've mentioned.

I have given up on trying to advise younger kids. In an attempt to stop them making the same mistakes that I did, I talk about my personal experiences. Most of them snap back, try to act like they're high and mighty, and go ahead and do it anyway. Were we all like this when we were twelve?! I honestly can't remember.

I must say I have been guilty at times for asking things just to get people to agree with me. I shouldn't, I know.
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usually when I ask for advice, it's because I hae no idea what I am doing and I hope that people will give me their opinion. Then I can choose to do as I wish, take the advice or not. but if I choose not to take the advice then I have to deal with the consequences... Now I'm not saying I'm better than anyone else on here because at times I don't agree with others but there is no need to be rude to anyone, no matter howmuch I disagree. I thank all of you for your input
ray's two cents :

Well said, rancher! I feel pretty much the same about some of the stuff you've mentioned.

I have given up on trying to advise younger kids. In an attempt to stop them making the same mistakes that I did, I talk about my personal experiences. Most of them snap back, try to act like they're high and mighty, and go ahead and do it anyway. Were we all like this when we were twelve?! I honestly can't remember.

I must say I have been guilty at times for asking things just to get people to agree with me. I shouldn't, I know.

Ray, I think to a certain degree, we all want/need validation for what we think/do. I sure as heck don't want to be told I'm wrong even when I am wrong lol. Trust me, when I posted pics and info abt my coop I was thrilled till someone pointed out there wasn't enough ventillation! (great thing to know byw) I wanted to be told my coop was perffect and everything was done right!! (I know it wasn't but hey!)
I never want to be told I'm wrong.
But hey, sometimes just got to suck it up and laugh along at myself...
Yes, it is to be expected that when you post there will be responses that you are hoping to get,and responses that are less appealing. When you post you have to accept that,and not get all annoyed and respond in an angry way.

I think it is ok to get responses that are critical as long as they are not nasty and hurtful. No need to go to that immature level when making a comment.

I think giving serious responses to a coop set up is very important,and I am glad you do it. It could make a difference in the health and safety of the birds. It still might sting a bit to read the negatives,but I am sure the people will later think about what you said and realise you were just helping and not trying to hurt them.
I agree with Rancher and it does seem that a lot of the problems do start when someone is given advise regarding their coop and/or run setup and take it as being critical of them personally. This has happened to me on several occasions when someone writes about how they lost chickens to a predator but could not figure our why or how. They post a picture and what you see is a coop and run that is just flimsy with chicken wire. You try to explain that their set up is not safe and it is taken that you are just hard hearted and do not have sympathy for their loss.
The biggest reason I signed up on BYC is because there are SO MANY people with so much experience and advice to give. When i post a question, I want to hear all aspects of what to do. i.e. What should I feed my chickens? Answers will vary from brand to percentage to volume. I want to know all answers, good or bad. I can take and others should as well or they shouldn't have asked the question in the first place.
I have noticed the younger crowd just wants to be coddled and pitied and told it's all okay and they do no wrong. Sorry, but no.
As a Curmudgeon, I give advice, not ask for it. I suppose once senile dementia sets it and I have a hankering to paint my coop fuchsia and mauve along with shopping for chickens aprons------then I'll probably need advice.

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