Diet and Supplementation Questions


8 Years
May 30, 2016
Finger Lakes, NY
I currently have three 12 week old ducks, plus three more 1 week old ducklings on the way. I feed non-medicated chick starter to both, but I thought I was supposed to drop the protein a bit on the older ones so I started mixing a bit of scratch grain to just their feed. I also supplement brewers yeast to the younger ones. I'm paranoid that their not getting enough nutrition and I want to make sure their feathers are looking good, so I'd like to know what everyone typically feeds during this juvenile stage. The only feed I've seen for growing birds with the correct protein content is Dumor feeds, but I've also heard that it's not the greatest and makes their poop stink awful. Not sure if I want that.

Is there a better feed that anyone can recommend, or even a good and safe supplement to better their diet? I feed a lot of treats here and there like mealworms, live crickets, red kale, peas, blueberries, watermelon, ect. I'd love to feed something for just waterfowl, but the only thing I can get where I am is Mazuri waterfowl feed and it's $40 something for a bag, so I can't afford that.

Another question is the molting. Mine started molting at the beginning of July and still haven't stopped. Does it usually go this long? It seems like there are just feathers everywhere. It used to just be the smaller down feathers, but now it's just the larger ones. Their not picking at themselves or anything and no bald spots. I just want to make sure everything is normal. I'm really new to this.
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The molting sounds normal. I was really surprised that, right after my Runners got all their adult feathers, they started looking like loosely-stuffed pillows at about 10 to 12 weeks of age.

For nutrition, I think you are doing pretty well. I feed New Country Organics soy-free layer feed. It's about the same price as Blue Seal Organic.

You could get some poultry vitamins with electrolytes and probiotics, and put that in their water once every two weeks for a boost. Some free choice oyster shell on the side, and the fresh stuff you are giving them really seems fine.

If they are walking fine, fairly energetic, seem bright-eyed and interested in life, I think that's some pretty good indication you are doing a fine job.

Please feel free to stay in touch and write about them - the Duck Thread is a place to share general stories about the littles.
The molting sounds normal. I was really surprised that, right after my Runners got all their adult feathers, they started looking like loosely-stuffed pillows at about 10 to 12 weeks of age.

I'm really glad to hear that. I was pretty shocked as well and when it just kept coming I started to get concerned. lol

Thanks for all the info!

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