Dietary requirments for chickens(particularly Jersey Giants)

Generally speaking, it's true a chicken is a chicken and their requirements are about the same.

This quote..

"The nutrient requirement figures published in Nutrient Requirements of Poultry (National Research Council, 1994) are the most recent available and should be viewed as minimal nutrient needs for poultry"

Was taken from this valuable and trusted resource..

There are green "table" links on the side of the page.

For me.. dual purpose breeds like Orps, Rocks, JG, etc.. will do "best" around 18-20% protein (starter, flock raiser, all flock, etc) with calcium source available free choice on the side. My research shows 22% protein provided the highest hatch rates which to me means more (micro) nutrients inside the eggs my family is eating. Excess protein actually decreased hatch rate (> than 28% in personal experience) Feeding a higher protein feed does tend to cost a few dollars more than using standard 16% protein layer feed.. calcium is cheaper than protein.. but I've seen the huge difference in my flock especially when molt approaches for the older ladies, since making the switch. This is my personal recommendation. Not to follow "minimal" as the guideline for quality or acceptable. ;)

But also beware of what many folks call good protein source.. like meal worms or eggs.. while that may be true and good as a treat, enrichment, or a perk up.. they often fail to mention the high fat levels. Moderation is key.

How old are your birds and how many are ya feeding? Just gals, or got some guys in there too? Are you in the US? Consider adding your general location to your profile as it changes what resources are available and makes it easy for some of us discern at a glance and gets reflected in our answers.

Getting diet right has been very rewarding in my experience! Asking questions.. shows your birds are in good hands already, happy adventures! :wee
THIS is the feed post I've been waiting for!! Higher protein vs. typical Layer feed and the difference/benefit of one over the other (especially bcs I have BO and PBR). Thank you for writing that out. :bow

Right now I let the girls take care of their own dietary requirements which is what they're doing in the photo. I still supplement them though with pellet once a day and other scraps.
Such pretty girls. I have started allowing them to supplement their own feed with being let outside. I dont remember where I have read this from, but have any of you heard of the idea that it is unhealthy to let your birds free range? The article's reasoning was pretty much you cannot ensure that they get the ablsolute perfectly balanced diet like you would if you fed commercially raised foods. I understand where the article was coming from, but I dont really think that it is better for my girls. I am sorry, but I cannot provide a link because I do not know where I found the article or anything like that. It has seemed to disappear. 🤷‍ if I find it then I will post it here.

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