Diffences Between EEs, Ameraucanas, and Araucanas


Hey guys what do you think of Whitie? She's all White with tail and tuffs or bearded?? I believe. Amerucana? My others are blue wheetin and wheetin I think. My roo Crusty is black on white laced not sure what you call that? All have slate colored legs. All came from pail blue egg's that I incubated with a heating pad in a small cooler. I love my mutt chickens.Have a great day.

I tried that with a heating pad in an aquarium..it was a 100% failure. But I hatched out 2 blueish grey banties last year that looks like your girl other than color of course ;)
They are super sweet friendly gals ♡
I started with 15 blue egg's. Only had 7 make it. Now I have an incubator, the egg's from eBay are doing good in the new incubator. Have 14 egg's all with embryo's inside. 8 days til hatch day. Just started some Araucana rumpless bantam egg's, and mille fluer bantams. Fun fun. Good Cluck to you. Show pics of your chix, I'd love to see them. ;-)
I'm waiting on the last lil one to dry off and them it's chickie photo shoot time..lol..this group is out of green, brown and 1 blue..I just set more last night..wish I had more than the one hen laying blue..but I'll work with it ;)
Greetings everyone! I'm a total first timer to breed/color recognition, but based on my own homework, I'm figuring my Píp(Peep-white) & Skwík(Squeak-brown) a.k.a. Carmela are Easter Eggers by the muffs and green feet. My question on this thread has to do with coloration and sex. Now due to Píp's knubby, red peacomb, the beginning of what look to be red wattles developing in each underside of the lower beak, and that Píp's legs have always been almost double the girth of Carmela's: I'm leaning towards Píp being a cockerel, even though both were sold to me as females.

Now I know the photos aren't the best quality, but my other question is in regards to the feather coloration.

Both have different head feather colors than their bodies: Carmela's head and neck is a rust color, while her beard and down are a soft grey, with it being blended in to the middle of the feathers on her wings, back, and tail.

Píp is a odd blend of mainly white, with a cream color to the head and neck feathers, the tips of the wings, and small light brown spots on the tips of the wing feathers as well.

As I said, I'm new to this, and I know they're EE'S and not the Aracaunas they were sold to me as, but what is the name for their coloration? And having said that, given the muffs and markings, could they be anything else aside from EEs? I really wanted the dark little rumpless ones, so when I saw Píp (who as a newly hatched chick was completely pale yellow), I hoped maybe it was an 'albino' Ara. Which at the time I guessed would have been rare, because at that point I'd only known Aras to be dark in coloration. But anyways, I love the 2 still what I have now, but what is the name for their coloration, and based of that, is there a chance they're anything besides EEs?

Thanks in advance! :)





Greetings everyone! I'm a total first timer to breed/color recognition, but based on my own homework, I'm figuring my Píp(Peep-white) & Skwík(Squeak-brown) a.k.a. Carmela are Easter Eggers by the muffs and green feet. My question on this thread has to do with coloration and sex. Now due to Píp's knubby, red peacomb, the beginning of what look to be red wattles developing in each underside of the lower beak, and that Píp's legs have always been almost double the girth of Carmela's: I'm leaning towards Píp being a cockerel, even though both were sold to me as females.

Now I know the photos aren't the best quality, but my other question is in regards to the feather coloration.

Both have different head feather colors than their bodies: Carmela's head and neck is a rust color, while her beard and down are a soft grey, with it being blended in to the middle of the feathers on her wings, back, and tail.

Píp is a odd blend of mainly white, with a cream color to the head and neck feathers, the tips of the wings, and small light brown spots on the tips of the wing feathers as well.

As I said, I'm new to this, and I know they're EE'S and not the Aracaunas they were sold to me as, but what is the name for their coloration? And having said that, given the muffs and markings, could they be anything else aside from EEs? I really wanted the dark little rumpless ones, so when I saw Píp (who as a newly hatched chick was completely pale yellow), I hoped maybe it was an 'albino' Ara. Which at the time I guessed would have been rare, because at that point I'd only known Aras to be dark in coloration. But anyways, I love the 2 still what I have now, but what is the name for their coloration, and based of that, is there a chance they're anything besides EEs?

Thanks in advance! :)






I'm probably not the best for advice on these, as mine are primarily my 'layers' and I only breed to add more to my personal flock or for friends.. but I think that your brownish one would be a buff..the white, I am at a loss bc like you've I've only ever seen darker colors..I have one little hen with a huge comb and wattles, so don't think that 100% means roo..but if they are the same age, I'd have to say I'd be leaning towards boys too just bc of difference in size..
They do look to be crossed with something else, but I dunno what. .they seem dainty compared to mine..my EES are big girls, like RIR sized..
Apologies, I should have mentioned that Píp & Skwík are only about 2.5 months old. They were born (roughly) the 2nd week of March 2015 and acquired by me about a week later.

I'm not sure that I'm thinking of the right breed, but I'm thinking it's a flavorelle, thats what your buff looking one reminds me of, but I dunno if they are bearded.. but yeah, if they are the same age id be leaning towards roo on your white. .
Ok, after looking at some pics...I'm thinking it's Americauna. .now I have no clue if they are the same as EE or not but that's what I'm thinking they are..hopefully someone with more knowledge will chime in..
if I'm remembering right, they can have different types of combs?
Bit still think you have a roo and a hen..
Greetings everyone! I'm a total first timer to breed/color recognition, but based on my own homework, I'm figuring my Píp(Peep-white) & Skwík(Squeak-brown) a.k.a. Carmela are Easter Eggers by the muffs and green feet. My question on this thread has to do with coloration and sex. Now due to Píp's knubby, red peacomb, the beginning of what look to be red wattles developing in each underside of the lower beak, and that Píp's legs have always been almost double the girth of Carmela's: I'm leaning towards Píp being a cockerel, even though both were sold to me as females.

Now I know the photos aren't the best quality, but my other question is in regards to the feather coloration.

Both have different head feather colors than their bodies: Carmela's head and neck is a rust color, while her beard and down are a soft grey, with it being blended in to the middle of the feathers on her wings, back, and tail.

Píp is a odd blend of mainly white, with a cream color to the head and neck feathers, the tips of the wings, and small light brown spots on the tips of the wing feathers as well.

As I said, I'm new to this, and I know they're EE'S and not the Aracaunas they were sold to me as, but what is the name for their coloration? And having said that, given the muffs and markings, could they be anything else aside from EEs? I really wanted the dark little rumpless ones, so when I saw Píp (who as a newly hatched chick was completely pale yellow), I hoped maybe it was an 'albino' Ara. Which at the time I guessed would have been rare, because at that point I'd only known Aras to be dark in coloration. But anyways, I love the 2 still what I have now, but what is the name for their coloration, and based of that, is there a chance they're anything besides EEs?

Thanks in advance!


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