Difference between black australorp chick and barred rock chick


5 Years
Feb 27, 2014
I can't tell the difference between BA chicks BR chicks. Can you tell me the details?
I can't tell the difference between BA chicks BR chicks. Can you tell me the details?

Depending on how old they are and their gender, the BR chicks have black and white stripes. The BA chicks should be completely black. Can you post some pictures of the chick(s) you want to know the breed of? Or are you just wondering?
My chicks are not barring yet, so can you tell me details? I don't know how to get the pics in the computer.
It can be hard to tell the difference in breed when they are young. When my chicks were about 3-4 weeks old I could see white spots on the BRs (the beginning of the stripes). The BAs sometimes have white fuzz feathers on their chests/necks and sometimes heads. Until they get their harder feathers (adult feathers) you can't tell the breeds too easily. How old are your chicks?
we got both Black Australorp and Barred Rock chicks as well. They are 8 days old now. The barred rock is almost all black with a white spot on the top of its head. The australorp has a black head& back and is white from under its beak through to under its belly/butt. They are from MyPetChicken/ MeyerPoultry (the white on the australorp is a little yellowish).

looking at them straight on, the australorp has a white breast and the barred rock's chest is grayish black (no white until almost directly under the chick)

looking from above, the head of our australorp is black and the barred rock's head has the white spot (actually like a cross on ours)

here are some good pics (not ours but look like ours)
australorp chick (scroll down) http://www.feathersite.com/Poultry/CGA/Lorps/BRKLorps.html
barred rock chick http://www.mypetchicken.com/catalog/Day-Old-Baby-Chicks/Barred-Plymouth-Rock-p231.aspx
oh one more thing, the personalities of our 2 are strikingly different. the barred rock is outgoing, brave, and friendly. the first to come to us and inspect new things. she is not skittish and sometimes seems to be trying to figure out escape routes -- she is very curious. the australorp is shy and while not skittish she is definitely not as outgoing, friendly nor as as inquisitive as the barred rock. she is quiet and mellow. neither of them are aggressive.
we got both Black Australorp and Barred Rock chicks as well.  They are 8 days old now.  The barred rock is almost all black with a white spot on the top of its head. The australorp has a black head& back and is white from under its beak through to under its belly/butt. They are from MyPetChicken/ MeyerPoultry (the white on the australorp is a little yellowish).

looking at them straight on, the australorp has a white breast and the barred rock's chest is grayish black (no white until almost directly under the chick)

looking from above, the head of our australorp is black and the barred rock's head has the white spot (actually like a cross on ours)

here are some good pics (not ours but look like ours)
australorp chick  (scroll down) http://www.feathersite.com/Poultry/CGA/Lorps/BRKLorps.html
barred rock chick  http://www.mypetchicken.com/catalog/Day-Old-Baby-Chicks/Barred-Plymouth-Rock-p231.aspx

Lol, you paid closer attention than I did. I just noticed the spot on the back of BR chicks heads and the yellow face with a black eye stripe on the BA chicks.

oh one more thing, the personalities of our 2 are strikingly different. the barred rock is outgoing, brave, and friendly. the first to come to us and inspect new things. she is not skittish and sometimes seems to be trying to figure out escape routes -- she is very curious.  the australorp is shy and while not skittish she is definitely not as outgoing, friendly nor as as inquisitive as the barred rock.  she is quiet and mellow.  neither of them are aggressive.

You are spot on about their temperaments. My 8 week old BR are so outgoing they sometimes fly up and perch on my shoulder when I'm cleaning their pen. My 4 week old BA are very shy and run, they settle down as soon as caught but don't come for attention on their own. But no aggression from either breed and I like them both.

I also like my Rhode Island Reds, next to BR they are most friendly, and my Buff Orphingtons, they have same temperament as the BA but are coming along. I do not like my Silver laced Wyandottes, they are beautiful but they bully my other birds and I don't like trouble makers, and they refuse to go back to their coop at bed time, resulting in chicken chases. I am almost grateful I only have 1 hen and 6 Roos. The Roos are scheduled to be dinner very soon. :drool
Funny! We actually got 1 Barred Rock, 1 Australorp, 1 Silver Laced Wyandotte, 1 Light Brahma, and 1 Easter Egger last week. Unfortunately, our Easter Egger died approximately 30 hours after receipt. We ordered 3 more -- arriving tomorrow -- they are 2 more Easter Eggers and a Golden Comet (which I believe is a Red Sex Link). I really wanted an Orpington and a Cochin but I worried about the size of the coop my husband's building and so we went with the Easter Eggers and the Golden Comet (we had originally planned for only 5 but when our Easter Egger died we had to order more as the one who died was my 5 year old son's chick;->).

Of the 4 we currently have the Barred Rock ("Sigrid" or Siggy for short) is by far my favorite. The Australorp (Stripey) seems to fade into the background as she does not have much of a personality either way -- she seems sweet and quiet and thats about it. Our Silver Laced Wyandotte and Light Brahma are both a tad skittish but the Barred Rock is so much bigger right now that they don't bother her much. I honestly thought our Barred Rock was a Rooster for a couple days - she is at least 20% bigger than all the others. My 2nd favorite is probably the Light Brahma -- even though she runs from us she is such a little spaz in the brooder, its fun to watch. She is kinda like an English Bulldog (if you're familiar with the breed) - - right now she is on the small size (although will eventually be the biggest I believe) and she kinda pushes her way around fairly oblivious to all around her. Our Silver Laced Wyandotte is my least favorite as well. She is kinda pushy and not particularly friendly.

Its great fun getting to know them all -- I'm so glad we got the mixed flock. One day I'm hoping we'll build a bigger coop (its actually a tractor that we plan to move around on 2 acres) and be able to get some more. We were living outside NYC for almost 20 years and have been down in florida for only about 4 -- so this whole thing is a big change for us. ;-:!
Funny!  We actually got 1 Barred Rock, 1 Australorp, 1 Silver Laced Wyandotte, 1 Light Brahma, and 1 Easter Egger last week. Unfortunately, our Easter Egger died approximately 30 hours after receipt. We ordered 3 more -- arriving tomorrow -- they are 2 more Easter Eggers and a Golden Comet (which I believe is a Red Sex Link).  I really wanted an Orpington and a Cochin but I worried about the size of the coop my husband's building and so we went with the Easter Eggers and the Golden Comet (we had originally planned for only 5 but when our Easter Egger died we had to order more as the one who died was my 5 year old son's chick;->).

Of the 4 we currently have the Barred Rock ("Sigrid" or Siggy for short) is by far my favorite. The Australorp (Stripey) seems to fade into the background as she does not have much of a personality either way -- she seems sweet and quiet and thats about it. Our Silver Laced Wyandotte and Light Brahma are both a tad skittish but the Barred Rock is so much bigger right now that they don't bother her much. I honestly thought our Barred Rock was a Rooster for a couple days - she is at least 20% bigger than all the others.  My 2nd favorite is probably the Light Brahma -- even though she runs from us she is such a little spaz in the brooder, its fun to watch. She is kinda like an English Bulldog (if you're familiar with the breed) - - right now she is on the small size (although will eventually be the biggest I believe) and she kinda pushes her way around fairly oblivious to all around her.  Our Silver Laced Wyandotte is my least favorite as well.  She is kinda pushy and not particularly friendly.

Its great fun getting to know them all -- I'm so glad we got the mixed flock.  One day I'm hoping we'll build a bigger coop (its actually a tractor that we plan to move around on 2 acres) and be able to get some more. We were living outside NYC for almost 20 years and have been down in florida for only about 4 -- so this whole thing is a big change for us. ;-:!

That's strange, my BR and SLW are the same age and the SLW is bigger. Of coarse at 4-6 weeks the BR was bigger, then the SLW really started gaining and at 8 weeks the SLW is bigger and bulling the other birds.

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