Difference in size


5 Years
Apr 1, 2017
Hello this is my first time raising geese. I have had free range ducks for several years. I got a pair of WC to guard the ducks. First off I am loving them. They are so much friendly and want to spend time with me. ❤️ They arrived at the same time but the male is so much smaller than the female. Is this normal? He seems happy and healthy so trying not to worry but I really want these guys to work out. It has been 2 years in the making to finally get a pair. Their hatch date was supposed to be the same. I added a picture so you could see the difference. Any advice would be appreciate. Thanks


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I raise Pilgrims, and typically male goslings are a little larger than females of the same age, so I'd suspect the smaller one is younger than the larger one. If they're both of the same breed and truly from the same hatch date, one is definitely behind growth-wise.

The size discrepancy suggests an age difference of maybe around 1.5-2 weeks. Given how quickly goslings grow, though, it probably won't be too long before the size difference is hardly noticeable. 😁
Thank you. I got them from my feed store who special ordered them for me and they arrived the same day. Could they be that far apart in hatching? I am guessing definitely different ages as the smaller one is just now starting to preen and can see oils on the down

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