Differences between White Crested and Crested Pekin ducks?


11 Years
Aug 31, 2008
Pomona, CA
Does anyone know what the differences are, if any, between White Crested ducks and Crested Pekin ducks? Does one breed have a better personality than the other? Is one more of a rare breed than the other? Thanks in advance!
A white crested duck can be any basic white duck with a crest. A crested Pekin has to be a pekin with a crest. Crested is not a breed it is a variety like different colors or patterns on a breed. basically a breed is determined by the size and shape and other physical features. Since any breed can be crested, personality depends more on the basic breed. All in all I would think crested pekins would be more rare than all the other breeds that can be called white crested. I don't think this is what you wanted to hear but thats life.
I was just googling the difference between a pekin and a white crested as I'm looking at the white crested at Metzer Farms. Found this old topic.
Seems Metzer has true "white crested" but I can't find info on them other than what is on the metzer site.

DH says crested girls only, not boys with a crest lol
But I'm trying to find info on personality and loudness. I like the personality of a pekin, but I'm not really loving how loud a female would be. So I'm considering just ordering a male and saying "oops" when it doesn't lay eggs

To go with that -
Still only considering 3-4 ducks (2-3 indian runner ducks and 1 pekin drake (or crested m/f depending on personality and loudness). If I have a pekin/crested drake with 2 indian runner girls, will that be a problem? What about 3 indian runner girls?
Should I not worry about the noise if I want the pekin/crested and just get another girl?

Main reason is pets/eggs/added bonus if they clean the yard of some bugs while they are at it.
I'd like them to be human friendly, so want to only stick with a few. Is 4 too many to keep them on the more human personable side?
the biggest difference is size... White cresteds are like their own breed and are closer 4-5lbs. Crested pekins can get up to 10lbs, sometimes bigger.
I would encourage you NOT to get a crested duck. Crested ducks tend to be a bit ''off''. I have two white crested ducks from Metzer Farms. The one with the smaller crest is pretty much okay, except she tends to get left behind when the other ducks go to the pond. Then she tries to fly down the hill, smacks her chest on the fence, and flips over into the weeds. My other crested duck with the really big crest is blind in one eye (not sure if she hatched that way or was injured) and is almost deaf. She would get left at the pond in the evening when all the other ducks and geese came up the hill, and would swim in circles in the middle of the pond. I had to bring the boat and catch her every evening. Now she has her own cage she stays in while the others are at the pond.
She also had a seizure once, which is from the neurological issues associated with cresteds. I really think crested ducks are more trouble then they are worth, do yourself a favor and get a Pekin.
I have a crested Pekin adult indoor duck named Kale. She just started having seizures sporadically in the last 2 months. She comes out of her seizure fine and may not have one for a couple of weeks. I'm extremely attached to her just as I am with my dogs and cats. It breaks my heart to see her have a seizure so I try to keep her safe and hold her and comfort her. What is the average life span for ducks with seizures?

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