Different Pic Of Fertile Egg


8 Years
May 21, 2011
Champion, Michigan
So, for some reason, no matter what I do, I cant get the pic to become larger. Ill keep at it..lol

I posted it here in hopes that it may help some, know what a fertile egg looks like.jumpy

Hope it turns out OK.

I finally learned what a fertile egg looks like.
At first I thought you can tell they were fertile, if there were " red spots " or streaks.

I was incorrect. I read up on and learned from other BYC pics, what they actually Do look like.

It is actually quite easy.

So, I cracked open 2 eggs, and low and behold, right there in the yolks, was a perfect little WHITE circle, with another smaller circle within that.

A "BULLSEYE " effect.

I took several pics of an egg laid by my Partridge Rock hen who is paired with a Salmon Favorelle Roo.

The pic was very bright, so I did some quick sharpening, darkening etc. to show the contrast since it was very faint.

The pic is kind of small , but I think it shows the Bullseye pretty well. The spot is right below the camera flash in the center.

I see the bullseye! HOORAY!

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