Different sounds chicken make and what they mean

I have no idea what they mean, but I have always wondered :caf

Lol I'm glad you wonder about this too, cause I felt a bit silly posting this thread! Lets hope someone walks in here with some answers then!
My 4mos old Buff O. just starting making a very weird and loud sound I didn't know chicken make and I'm curious if it's a normal call they make as they approach maturity, or if she's unhappy, or what....
I've figured out what my chooks mean by most of their noises, but I'm afraid I can't really think of a way to describe them... It's a pretty complex language that varies somewhat flock to flock.
That's my problem too, I can't really describe the sounds!
The sound I'm referring starts out like whining, but lately my Buff is making it so loud, it sounds like a horror movie scream ... I worry that she's not happy!
She's only making this sound when she sees/hears me, I feel she's trying to tell me something, but I don't understand her!
Lol! Glad I'm not the only one who tries to translate chicken speak!

I like to sit and "talk back" to my girls, repeating the same noises they make. Some of the looks I get are quite hilarious. I sang the"egg song" to them yesterday...they got so excited! :lau

My girls actually make one noise that I call "The Grudge" because it sounds just like the noise the dead lady made in that same movie! I'm sure some horror film fans know just what I'm talking about...sounds like a groan crossed with a squeaky board, lol!
Sometimes I spend 30 minutes to an hour with my girls. Sometimes at 5 a.m. when I open the coop, other times at 9 a.m. when I give them a treat and check feed and water, and check for eggs.
Earlier this week I learned the gray fox warning when I opened coop, at 5am. A gray fox came out of my neighbors yard and into the street. I know the egg laying song, I found something good to eat, sound. I'm happy eating scratch grains, sound. I even heard 2 of my 15 month old girls purring, this week, for the first time.
The best way I know of to learn chickenese is to watch them. Listen to what they say, and what they are doing at that time, and you'll be speaking chicken to your girls in no time.:yesss: GC

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