Different sounds chicken make and what they mean

Lol! Glad I'm not the only one who tries to translate chicken speak!

I like to sit and "talk back" to my girls, repeating the same noises they make. Some of the looks I get are quite hilarious. I sang the"egg song" to them yesterday...they got so excited! :lau
I'm not sure I can imitate the sounds they make..I mean what if I accidentally say something offensive to them?:lau
Sometimes I spend 30 minutes to an hour with my girls. Sometimes at 5 a.m. when I open the coop, other times at 9 a.m. when I give them a treat and check feed and water, and check for eggs.
Earlier this week I learned the gray fox warning when I opened coop, at 5am. A gray fox came out of my neighbors yard and into the street. I know the egg laying song, I found something good to eat, sound. I'm happy eating scratch grains, sound. I even heard 2 of my 15 month old girls purring, this week, for the first time.
The best way I know of to learn chickenese is to watch them. Listen to what they say, and what they are doing at that time, and you'll be speaking chicken to your girls in no time.:yesss: GC
Didn't know chicken purr! Does it sounds like cat's?
So yesterday something odd happened -

I was doing some gardening near the coop and the hens were all out in the run, looking at me and sometimes complaining that I wasn't tossing them treats (it seemed). Then the hens started making very angry noises, and I looked up, and a bird was hopping around the grass near the run with a worm in its mouth. Okay, so they were jealous and mad they couldn't run down the bird to steal the worm.

I went back to gardening, but then the angry noises changed and they all started clucking in harmony and carried on for a few minutes. I watched them and they weren't doing anything in particular, just standing there singing.

Singing? Can chickens sing in choir?

I'm new to chickens, but I feel that I've researched up on them quite a bit. But I never learned about a flock singing together. It was so odd.
I have only had my guys for... 4-5 months now, and I already am learning their language and odd mannerisms. :p

"Buk buk buk bak baaak!" Usually means "Something spooked me/I was just attacked!" But mine also use it when they want attention. I overslept by 25 minutes, the horror, I know, so I woke up to all my Silkies making a huge ruckus and I thought something had broken in and was attacking them!

I ran in, and they all went silent and stared at me as if asking "... Well?", so I sleepily grumbled about "crying wolf" and opened the door for the silly things.

They also have a quick and short "Du da da du du"-like sound they do when they see a small land-based predator such as my cat, and a growl-like noise when they see a crow or pigeon flying overhead. They also purr, which is like a softer, longer version of their "BIG BIRD!" warning call when being snuggled, when snuggling, dustbathing and sunbathing.

They also make "Graaah graaah" noises when running about with a treat, with the others sometimes making the noise in frustration. The rooster also makes that noise when 'playing chase' with me for when he is in a stubborn mood and wants to stay out later.
I have only had my guys for... 4-5 months now, and I already am learning their language and odd mannerisms. :p

"Buk buk buk bak baaak!" Usually means "Something spooked me/I was just attacked!" But mine also use it when they want attention. I overslept by 25 minutes, the horror, I know, so I woke up to all my Silkies making a huge ruckus and I thought something had broken in and was attacking them!

I ran in, and they all went silent and stared at me as if asking "... Well?", so I sleepily grumbled about "crying wolf" and opened the door for the silly things.

They also have a quick and short "Du da da du du"-like sound they do when they see a small land-based predator such as my cat, and a growl-like noise when they see a crow or pigeon flying overhead. They also purr, which is like a softer, longer version of their "BIG BIRD!" warning call when being snuggled, when snuggling, dustbathing and sunbathing.

They also make "Graaah graaah" noises when running about with a treat, with the others sometimes making the noise in frustration. The rooster also makes that noise when 'playing chase' with me for when he is in a stubborn mood and wants to stay out later.
kudo to you for spelling out the sounds! Lol I tried but just can't get any of them right
My Blue E. Orpington is usually silent, until the 4 pullets start to get cozy preparing to sleep, then she starts making this cute sound, she sounds like a squeak toy, it's adorable!
My Black E. O., is not very vocal at all and neither is my Black Australorp!
The one that's the most vocal and often opinionated is my Buff O.!

She is a week older than the other 3 (they are 4mos) and has always been the "leader"! She's not aggressive, nor bossy, just the one always on the lookout, the first one to go explore, and to try new things! She makes a gazillion different sounds, and I hope some day I will be able to understand her better, but with a full time job and a family, I don't have a whole lot of time to sit with the chickens.

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