different worm types


5 Years
Jul 26, 2014
North Carolina
What is a capillary worm? I know tape worm and pin worms but i have never heard of capillary worms. If one bird is infested with worms does that mean all your flock is and is the parasites any way get in the eggs. I give my eggs away i would hate to know they were bad.
What is a capillary worm? I know tape worm and pin worms but i have never heard of capillary worms. If one bird is infested with worms does that mean all your flock is and is the parasites any way get in the eggs. I give my eggs away i would hate to know they were bad.

There are other types of worms that chickens get besides the ones you and I mentioned; cecal worms, large roundworms, gizzard worms, eyeworms, gapeworms and others. Large roundworms and capillary worms are probably the most common that large and small flock owners come across, sometimes cecal worms and less commonly, tapeworms. I would say that gapeworms are the most dangerous but are rare in chickens. Capillary worms are dangerous simply because they are almost unseen and very numerous in the chickens system once infected. It's rare that a worm can be found in an egg. BUT, it can happen. It has happened to a couple of BYC members.
Here's an excellent link regarding capillary worms in poultry, followed by a few pics for you:


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