**Digging my way to the coop. GOT SNOW?**

Do you shovel for your chickens?

  • Yes, of course!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Um, no. It'll melt & they can play charades until then.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sometimes, depends how deep it is.

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • It doesn't snow where I live. (lucky you!)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I'm pretty sure I overheard one of the select few on the roost in the run mutter something like "sucker."


Not me , drive the truck all the way back to the pens, couple trips thru the 2ft of snow , those tire tracks , make nice path to walk in.

That was me being lazy , when I built the pens....so i wouldn't have to carry the feed back about 300 to 500 ft from the house.

Birds don't want to come out of the barn at there winter home......funny go there very few tracks in the snow in the flight pen,

Oh getting more snow again 2 night.........
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Why did the chicken cross the road....to prove to the possum it could be done......or coon ....just look and you will see they don't know it can be done.
I have no choice; I have to change out their frozen water daily. I've become a bad chicken mother, though, and make them wait until I can brave the temps.
We are in Syracuse New York and have had close to 125 inches of snow this year.

We have reached our average annual snowfall with 7 weeks of winter left to go.

We have lake effect snow here which is created fom cold air collecting moisture as it travels across the great lakes then drops the precipatation as snow.

We shovel out to the coup everyday and the water is always frozen. I went out last week and spent $50 on a heated poultry waterer. It is worth every penny.

On the coldest days I make the hens oatmeal and cornmeal mixture for the A.M. snack. The hens have had no frostbite or any problems with the cold.

They will not come out in the run with snow. I shovelled the pen for first week of winter then gave up. Love my birds and love collecting the eggs they lay everyday.

Cant believe we lived without our hens and fresh eggs before this year.
we have a lot snow too , but my chickens like it a lot i think they enjoyed being out , they llay with it .

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