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Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
I was in the middle of one of my obsessive house cleanings last night when DH called me around 11 PM.
My DSD had found him while he was on patrol and she was a mess, bawling.
She worked a long shift yesterday, called her mom to tell her she was on her way home and her mom told her she couldn't come home then. Seems her mom had a "date" staying over and didn't want DSD there. This is not the first time her mom has pulled this nonsense. Something's gotta give.
DH sent her my way while he finished his shift. I fed her, gave her some PJs and she crashed on the couch.
Things can't go on this way. We have to find a better solution. I can think of ways to fit one more person in this tiny house, but there are house rules she'll have to learn - like picking up after herself.
The big problem is DSD's animals, 3 (or is it 4?) dogs and 3 cats. She refuses to give them up.

This is going to be difficult.
EEek! Thats a tough situation...
How old is she? Maybe she can save money for an apt.??
AND...about the animals..sometimes you have to do what you have to do..if she needs to get rid of them..then she does..
Its all part of being responsible..
She's 23, but a very immature 23. I'm texting with her older sister right now, we have to figure something out.
OK...I guess I'm missing something here?

If she and her mom live together, why is it that the mom was allowed to tell her daughter not to come home? I mean...with zero warning? C'mon!
Because her mom is and has always been a very selfish person. We're talking about someone DH supported for two years (during their seperation), paying all the bills, before their divorce. Then at the time of the divorce he gave her enough money to live on for two years, plus a house, plus a vehicle. Six months later she was flat broke, went thru all the alimony, and was begging for more before she finally got off her considerably sized butt and got a job.
Oh? And one of the things DH found out later was that while his mother was still alive his ex was stealing from her.
Oops, I've gone and let myself rant about his ex.

His older DD and I are texting like crazy right now. The one that needs our help is the kind of person you have to lead by the hand.
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It might be time for some tough love. 23 is plenty old enough to be independent. I know you love her, but sometimes "needy" people are only needy when it works.
Because her mom is and has always been a very selfish person. We're talking about someone DH supported for two years (during their seperation), paying all the bills, before their divorce. Then at the time of the divorce he gave her enough money to live on for two years, plus a house, plus a vehicle. Six months later she was flat broke, went thru all the alimony, and was begging for more before she finally got off her considerably sized butt and got a job.
Oh? And one of the things DH found out later was that while his mother was still alive his ex was stealing from her.
Oops, I've gone and let myself rant about his ex.

His older DD and I are texting like crazy right now. The one that needs our help is the kind of person you have to lead by the hand.

OK!!! I apparently didn't read that part of it or wasn't here for it! lol! My bad!

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