Dipping beak into water for the first time

Mt Top Chick

In the Brooder
11 Years
Jan 10, 2009
Ok, i am waiting on a shipment from the hatchery, Last year, i lost all but one chick. after i picked them up from the post office, i unpacked them and dipped their beaks into the water. they seemed ok for a while then i noticed that a tiny drop of blood was coming from their nostrils. then they died within an hour. i have never had that happen before, were they sick, dehydrated from the trip or did i drown them?
i have had many baby chicks before and this never happened. maybe just a bad batch, but why a tiny drop of blood????
i dont want a repeat of last year. did i do something wrong?
Was the blood coming from all of their nostrils? Sounds strange, I always do it to show them. I'm sure someone with more experience will chime in and figure this out.
yes, a tiny tiny drop of blood was coming from the nostril within 15 min of dipping the beak into water. now, don't get me wrong. i wasn't dipping their heads, just the tip of the beaks.

i have no idea what happened. maybe it wasn't me at all, maybe just a bad shipment. there were already several birds already dead when i unpacked them. they were trampled
thanks for your help.
Sounds strange. You still have to dip their beaks to show them where the water is. I hope this time they will be alright for you.
Instead of dipping beaks, I used my finger to "peck" at the water and feed, the way a hen would. Once one of the chicks got the idea, the other ones quickly copied it.
I feel that blood from the nostrils could only be due to rough handling on the journey or illness. If you experience anything like that again, I would advise discussing it with the hatchery, as they would want to use different couriers, or check for illness among their own stock, I am sure.
I do this too.

Took all but 30 seconds for the first one to find the water then the food Thursday morning. Once the first one finds it I let it show the rest.
Yep, USPS did a good job again, all 13 made it from TX to WI in good shape.

Best of luck to the OP on this batch of chicks.

I have now raised 500 day old coturnix quail in the last 30 days, never dipped one beak. They found it no problem, birds are just to curious.

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