Dirty Chicks.... is a bath in order?

High Mountain Chic

In the Brooder
10 Years
Feb 18, 2009
Leadville Colorado
I have 6 EEs that are about 3.5 weeks old, crazy looking little critters for sure. One of the white ones seems unable to keep out of the gunk... she always has some poo on her feathers. I keep the brooder clean and they have plenty of room ( the brooder is 4x3 ). So my question is can you wash your chicks? I don't want her to get chilled in the process. Any suggestions from all the lovely people in chicken land?
IMO, they are more in danger from getting chilled after a bath than they are from being dirty.
Set em up a little dust bath. It'll take care of the dirty feathers.
Just make sure their little butts are clean! The rest you can gently wipe off with a damp paper towel. I wouldn't soak them though. I was shocked at how long it takes a chicken to dry!

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