Dirty Duck Thread - Add your own pics!

I love your avatar are they yours? I know you have a crested.
Sammy wouldn't dare get his person dirty intentionally he hasn't got a duck bone in his body, he use to though before I got geese for him he thought he was a giant Muscovy.

He has nothing to do with the ducks now unless one happens to get in his or his families space then he goes after them

I'll tell him you made him "honorary duck" though that will probably make him shake his head. lol

The ducks are mine... Snow and Tevye. While going through some pictures I took , the way the blended together under Tevye's poof and the eye placement just caught me as wierd, like a Picasso painting, so I cropped it to remove all other points of reference and other than putting the words on it didn't retouch it at all.

Tell Sammy I meant no offense. My wife liked his blue scarf picture so much that she used it as a background on her smart phone through the Xmas season.
We are considering a pair of geese, probably a couple years off (after we have our back yard locked up extra tight and have a pond and have figured this whole duck thing out
), so we are just starting to do the research so that by the time we are ready we will know more than we did when we first got our ducks.

This is actually a funny development because my wife grew up city - in Germany. I grew up country. After we were married, we went out and visited my dad and step-mom who at the time had 1 Embden Gander, Big Boy (and he was). They had been raising them (and Pekins and Rouens) for meat and they were getting out of that at the time, so there was only Big Boy left. Well when we showed up, Big Boy charged me and I stood my ground so he didn't bother me any more. One gander can't scare me - a gaggle - that's a different story. Then he chased my wife all over the yard - wings spread and hissing the whole time. Targeting my wife's behind for the attack that has been named after the female of his species. For the next week, my wife lived in terror of Big Boy. She would dash from the house to the car (and vice-versa) and try to get in and shut the door before he could get her. We pretty much just laughed at her and kept telling her, Yvonne, you have to stand up to him. Once he knows you aren't scared of him, he will leave you alone. Her answer was, "but I am scared of him." Finally after a full week of this (our visit was nearly over), Big Boy tracked Yvonne down near a live garden hose with sprayer on it. Big Boy charged, she ran for the hose, picked it up and blasted him in the chest with the stream and showered him with the most colorful language which in polite society would be translated, "Would you please leave me alone."
Once she saw she wasn't being attacked, she advanced on him while still blasting him with the hose. He finally backed down and waddled away and didn't bother her any more during the 48 hours or so that we were still there. That was back around '92. If you would have told her then that she might consider owning a goose someday, she would have thought you were crazy. She never wanted to see one again. But she loves our ducks and she has made friends with some of the geese down at the fairgrounds and somehow that doesn't seem like such a horrible idea anymore.

@Sedonartist - Heard that mom... You are outed.
Interesting story and glad she finally got brave they are really wimps once you let them know your not going to tolerate their ways. I have to let my 2 ganders know daily I AM in charge not them. But I love them to pieces. My experience with geese was similar but mine was at a part so we can over come our fears and learn to love the breed. I can't imagine life with out them.
I'm glad she liked Sam pic enough to use it. I'll not tell him though he might get the big head.

Did they finally eat Big Boy if it's gruesome don't tell me, lol
Interesting story and glad she finally got brave they are really wimps once you let them know your not going to tolerate their ways. I have to let my 2 ganders know daily I AM in charge not them. But I love them to pieces. My experience with geese was similar but mine was at a part so we can over come our fears and learn to love the breed. I can't imagine life with out them.
I'm glad she liked Sam pic enough to use it. I'll not tell him though he might get the big head.

Did they finally eat Big Boy if it's gruesome don't tell me, lol

I would imagine but @Sedonartist could answer that for sure. The next time I visited was in '95 when I came back from Germany and they had moved across the country and had no birds at all.
I would imagine but @Sedonartist could answer that for sure. The next time I visited was in '95 when I came back from Germany and they had moved across the country and had no birds at all.
Sedonartist?Okay looked back and did not see anyone by that name actually posting
Last post on page 1. With the Pekins and Rouens walking down the muddy slope. That is my Step-Mom
Oh okay your ducks or hers?

and no pics today everyone stood around like bumps on a log no drilling of course the ground is frozen even with them temps we got. yesterday one duck drilled a small hole and hit water no one messed with it today but tomorrow they are calling for snow we shall see what happens.
Those pictures were her ducks (I would guess around '90 / '91). I PM'd her and asked her about Big Boy. He and Princess (his goose - I forgot about her since she didn't attack Yvonne) were re-homed when they moved. She said she was heart broken, so I guess it was only the ducks for freezer camp (and maybe only drake culling at that). I wasn't there for her duck and goose period other than that one visit. I just know she warned me against having too many drakes. When we ordered our ducklings we were going to order them straight run at first so we came up with both boy and girl names for each duck. That's why if you had a chance to look at our duckling book, our mis-pick Natasha got a name before going to Murdoch's but Rhiannon's packing duck, No Name, didn't. Because of her warning, we changed our order to all sexed ducks with all of them being girls except Kaine - because we wanted the pretty green headed duck, and Tevye because although we didn't know much yet about crested ducks, we did know that duck mating practices could be brutal on a crested female.
Those pictures were her ducks (I would guess around '90 / '91). I PM'd her and asked her about Big Boy. He and Princess (his goose - I forgot about her since she didn't attack Yvonne) were re-homed when they moved. She said she was heart broken, so I guess it was only the ducks for freezer camp (and maybe only drake culling at that). I wasn't there for her duck and goose period other than that one visit. I just know she warned me against having too many drakes. When we ordered our ducklings we were going to order them straight run at first so we came up with both boy and girl names for each duck. That's why if you had a chance to look at our duckling book, our mis-pick Natasha got a name before going to Murdoch's but Rhiannon's packing duck, No Name, didn't. Because of her warning, we changed our order to all sexed ducks with all of them being girls except Kaine - because we wanted the pretty green headed duck, and Tevye because although we didn't know much yet about crested ducks, we did know that duck mating practices could be brutal on a crested female.
I can understand why they didn't go to freezer camp they were lovely. Your ducks are very special love all the pics.
Ok, Back on track... It isn't a lot of dirt, but today Tevye was sporting a dirt bindi.


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