Dirty Duck Thread - Add your own pics!

I'm glad you did, hehe! I keep trying to find the video file of when Wobbles went crazy in a muddy sidewalk puddle, but the SD card it was on is missing and I worry I might never find it again ;;
Oh noes! Keep looking! Or find another puddle, lol

I never found the SD card, but I did find another puddle! :p

@Amykins -
CUTE! And that is the quietest I have ever seen Wobbles... He comes off in most of the other videos as chatty as my runners are.
@Amykins -
CUTE! And that is the quietest I have ever seen Wobbles... He comes off in most of the other videos as chatty as my runners are.

He has three quacks - the alarm quack, the happy chirpy quack, and this - the head-down "mrrh mrrh" when he's concentrating reeeeally hard on something. In this case, dabbling the bejeezus out of that mud hole!
He has three quacks - the alarm quack, the happy chirpy quack, and this - the head-down "mrrh mrrh" when he's concentrating reeeeally hard on something. In this case, dabbling the bejeezus out of that mud hole!

Aww he is concentrating so hard on that mud hole! haha!

I love trying to figure out what their sounds mean. My boy has a noise that I'm pretty sure means "Did you bring any peas out? No, seriously, DO YOU HAVE ANY PEAS? Don't walk away from me! OMG I don't think she's got any peas, everyone!!" it sounds like "Braaaaappppppp!"
I'm glad you did, hehe! I keep trying to find the video file of when Wobbles went crazy in a muddy sidewalk puddle, but the SD card it was on is missing and I worry I might never find it again ;;
OMG he is just soooooo freakin' cute! I forget how small he really is and just want to squeeze him.
He has three quacks - the alarm quack, the happy chirpy quack, and this - the head-down "mrrh mrrh" when he's concentrating reeeeally hard on something. In this case, dabbling the bejeezus out of that mud hole!

That is so funny... When I showed it to my wife last night, I joked that when he was eating the lettuce, he was having fun (so the happy noises). But here in the puddle, he was serious: There were larva of some vile insect (like mosquitoes) in that puddle that were going to attack his precious Amykins and he was there to defend her, the block, the town... maybe even the world from the scourge that would have erupted from that puddle.

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