Dirty Duck Thread - Add your own pics!

That is so funny... When I showed it to my wife last night, I joked that when he was eating the lettuce, he was having fun (so the happy noises). But here in the puddle, he was serious: There were larva of some vile insect (like mosquitoes) in that puddle that were going to attack his precious Amykins and he was there to defend her, the block, the town... maybe even the world from the scourge that would have erupted from that puddle.

LOL! Nah, he was enjoying himself so much I could probably have been set on fire and he wouldn't bat an eye. Got anymore shots of Tevye, Gentila? <3
LOL! Nah, he was enjoying himself so much I could probably have been set on fire and he wouldn't bat an eye. Got anymore shots of Tevye, Gentila? <3

Just for you - a rare picture where his feet are pointed in the same direction... You can see he has some of the Drake bill going on too, but not as bad as Kaine. The red on the end of his bill (and the dot above his left eye) are from the watermelon behind him.
Ohhhh, I needed that this morning, thank you so much. Tevye is just such a wonderful duck. <3 I love his big, black, curious eyes!
I know this is a duck thread but I had to share. Right now it is a gorgeous day out and it was raining this weekend so my back yard is a mud fest. My kids are 2 and 4 and love mud more than the ducks! I took a shower and came down to them painting themselves and the fence. I had to fill up the cement mixing pan just to get them clean enough to come in to shower off. Right now my kids and ducks are fighting over the now nasty muddy water in the mixing pan. The ducks want in it and the kids want to play in it
Ohhhh, I needed that this morning, thank you so much. Tevye is just such a wonderful duck. <3 I love his big, black, curious eyes!

Glad to oblige.
Now keep that feeling in mind and know there are several of us on this forum who don't get to see Wobbles cuteness every day so throw us a crumb from time to time.

As for the eyes, if you look at his head tilt picture, they are actually pretty blue. As are Snow's and I would guess Wobbles too. Problem with white ducks is the camera has to turn down so far for them not to wash (especially on a nice day in bright sunlight), everything else gets dark.
And I don't get to see adorable Tevye every day either, so I guess we're even! And yeah, Wobbles' eyes are a dark shade of blue, as per his breed standard. But unless the light hits 'em just right you'd swear they were dark grey. He's nibbling at my elbow and looking at me pleadingly as I write this, that means it's feeding time. I shall return in a bit. :p
I know this is a duck thread but I had to share. Right now it is a gorgeous day out and it was raining this weekend so my back yard is a mud fest. My kids are 2 and 4 and love mud more than the ducks! I took a shower and came down to them painting themselves and the fence. I had to fill up the cement mixing pan just to get them clean enough to come in to shower off. Right now my kids and ducks are fighting over the now nasty muddy water in the mixing pan. The ducks want in it and the kids want to play in it

Especially if you want to bend the thread..... PICTURES

Nobody here is discussing the ramifications and finer points of humus soil vs wet clay or that dirt and/mud could act as a sunscreen to prevent bleaching of the feathers. This is a graphical thread....

So you got me smiling with the story... Make me laugh with a picture....
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"Boy I tell ya Joe, this newfangled white mud just doesn't do it for me, ya know?"

1. Illustrating that off topic should include an illustration with an illustration.
2. Brown duck - brown mud doesn't show.
3. You should have posted a picture of Wobbles shaking his head in disgust at that thar duck wid da white mud.


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