Dirty egg help


In the Brooder
12 Years
Jun 10, 2007
I'm not sure if I have this posted in the correct forum. Anyway, I have a lot of dirty eggs, really muddy. I want to know what everyone uses to clean their eggs with. I have an outdoor run and it has been raining a lot lately and they keep tracking mud back into their coop and nest boxes. I keep straw down after a big rain but still I'm having to many dirty eggs. I keep the nest boxes changed with commercial chicken house nest padding. I have a sandpaper scrubber used by the commercial houses to clean them with but still there are stains and I'd really like to sell prefect eggs. Any tips or hints will be most appreciated.
i'm thinking that if you're selling the eggs, you just might hafta wash them. That wouldn't be bad though, as I'm sure your customers are probably gonna eat them right away anyway. JMO. Other than that, you could probably ask your customers if they minded dirty eggs, and explain why you don't want to wash them.
I only use wood shavings in my nest boxes and keep them cleaned out once every two weeks...I never have dirty eggs and I have an outside run that is always muddy....
Newbie question, why don't you want to wash them? Why is it bad to refrigerate eggs as soon as you collect them? My pullets are only 7 wks old, so I don't know anymore than I have read so far.
If you are going to sell eggs to hatch, you dont want them to be dirty and you dont want to wash them. When the egg is layed a coating called bloom is left on them to keep bacteria out. If you wash it there is a chance that bacteria will enter the egg. If you are going to sell them to eat it is fine to wash them and also to refrigerate them. It is just peoples preferences. It is also ok to leave them on your counter or in the basement where it is about 60 degrees. Jenn
I use a scotch bright pad, the kind you buy at the dollar store that's afixed to a sponge. Works great, but I'd caution on using the correct washing procedure, water temp. and that sort of thing. Far as the mud goes, add more straw.
Thanks jkcove08, I didn't know that about the "bloom". Interesting. I am just eating mine since they're all gals. Thanks again. This forum is the best place to learn stuff!

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