Dirty wet and cold... hope that is all


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 21, 2011
This morning I went out to feed my silkies, and the pen was a MESS... it's been raining for days and as you know silkies aren't the smartest chickens, so they don't often go into the house which is about 1 1/2 feet off the ground, despite having a little ramp for them to use. One of the younger silkies was standing in the mud and was looking pathetic, you know the look, hunched over, drooping wings, half closed eyes... I moved everyone out of the pen and into my barn and brought this one in... I syringed a little yogurt, but it wasn't really interested in eating... it's feathers were really matted and gross so I gave it a warm water bath, figured it'd warm it up and clean it off a little... so now it's drying off under a towel laying on my chest, gave it a little egg yolk, which it's just barely swallowing... other than warm it up and feed it, what else should I do?

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