Discolored egg


7 Years
Sep 13, 2012
Westchester, NY
Hey everyone,

I have had chickens for many years. Since late October the new girls have started laying. I have 6 new hens born in late April. I have gotten the double yolk 3 weeks ago. last week I have gotten 3 discolored eggs. It looked almost like a pale purple. It honestly looks like there is a white film over a brown egg. It's not like I can scratch the color off the egg. I know the girls are still young and they always start off with strange shapes and sizes but to be discolored like it is. I have never gotten this color before. All the hens seem healthy. I just want to know if I can do anything to make sure that I won't loose a chicken to a illness.
The white film is extra bloom. When a hen lays an egg, she coats the egg with a substance called a "bloom", which protects the egg from bacteria. Sometimes they give more bloom and you get that chalky look. Nothing to worry about.
Thank you for the info. I was worried that one of the hens is losing minerals or something. Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!! All I want is healthy chickens for the winter.

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