Discomfort from working out


9 Years
Apr 19, 2010
Coeur d'Alene, ID
Man, my legs ache all the time. I've been riding the exercise bike 2x a day. Legs are nice and rock hard and I stay hot all day from the metabolism boost but I have to say, I am starting to say prayers, while exercising. I want to stop, from the moment I start. For me, there is no such thing as a "runner's high". From the second I begin, I just want to stop more every minute. I ask God to help me keep going and forgive me for being so lazy and wanting to quit.

Prayer only helps a little. I look forward to the weekend so I can not ride the darn torture machine. I'm riding a bike that doesn't go anywhere. Yay. The way I figure it, I have about another month and a half of two-a-days, until I can mow the lawn again, with my shirt off and not feel gross and humiliated. I was stretching out, in the shower, this morning and thought "It's a good thing I am not more flexible. If I could touch my toes, I think my fat would flop up, over my head and suffocate me." Note to self: Do not attempt handstands.

I started this program before I found out that my brother and his wife will be in Seattle, doing a half triathlon, in August. So it wasn't my vanity over that, that spurred me to exercise. Then I realized it was just my regular, everyday vanity. Not an improvement, in my battle with pride issues. One of my brother's friends had her baby and did a triathlon 9 days later. I want to punch people like that. Although obviously they would then be able to kick my butt 8 different ways and take my lunch money so then I'd probably feel even more useless and lazy, with a side order of soreness.

"What happened to your face?"

"Chick beat me up."

I want to stop exercising but I know if I do, I'll just get worse and then it'll be even harder to get back in shape.

[sigh] wish me luck.
you need to give your muscles a break..try biking one day,weight lifting the next and so forth...doing the same thing everyday may not do what you want it to...muscles cannot regenerate if you keep straining them the same way everyday,,they need to rest to regenerate correctly.
It is commendable that you are able to keep pushing through it! I know how hard it can be - from givnig up myself several times. However, making sure you have the appropriate nutrition and resting mid-week might help a little more to reduce the pain. :)
Agrees with Lorie.... You have other muscles you need to work to tone and give "shape" to the rest of your body. Try some form of Aerobics, weight lifting, walking, yoga etc to help with "shocking" the muscles. Muscles develop memory if you do the same excersizes over and over.

Make sure you're hydrating your self really good, bananas are good source of potassium! There's alot of work out stuff on line you can find to help. Cut out all the fat and sugars you can.
Absolutely. It has to do with the sodium/potassium proportions in the muscle tissue. Talk to a pharmacist or doc to get a recomendation for a quality supplement.
It's going to be hard to stick with an exercise program if it hurts all the time.
Absolutely. It has to do with the sodium/potassium proportions in the muscle tissue. Talk to a pharmacist or doc to get a recomendation for a quality supplement.
It's going to be hard to stick with an exercise program if it hurts all the time.

Yeah, I am sort of prepping myself for months of discomfort before I can tone it back down to a regular routine.

Potassium makes my eyelids twitch. Two bananas a week ODs me
I am seriously susceptible to cramping anytime I get dehydrated. There's no way I could ever be a SEAL or a Ranger. I'd be the poster boy for muscle cramps as soon as we didn't get enough water
No cramps yet, but in those first few days, I felt like I was close. For me, hamstring cramps are the worst. If mine cramp, I am sore for days after. It feels like my muscles are tearing apart. Anywhere else is fine. Biceps, forearms, thighs and calves all feel good! A cramp there is like a tremor and I like to play with it and watch the muscle move, without my telling it to. No pain. Only hamstrings! And abs. I had ab cramps, in college, after a long set of inclined sit ups, with weights added. Oweeeee!

You know what else sucks? I ride after work, then again, first thing in the morning. I wake up feeling like I just got off the bike. Then it's time to get right back on. Grrrr.

A big cup of coffee helps loads, in the AM. I look forward to coffee anyway, but on weekends, there will be no bike riding and extra coffee. I will savor it like it is special.
Absolutely. It has to do with the sodium/potassium proportions in the muscle tissue. Talk to a pharmacist or doc to get a recomendation for a quality supplement.
It's going to be hard to stick with an exercise program if it hurts all the time.

Yeah, I am sort of prepping myself for months of discomfort before I can tone it back down to a regular routine.

Potassium makes my eyelids twitch. Two bananas a week ODs me
I am seriously susceptible to cramping anytime I get dehydrated. There's no way I could ever be a SEAL or a Ranger. I'd be the poster boy for muscle cramps as soon as we didn't get enough water
No cramps yet, but in those first few days, I felt like I was close. For me, hamstring cramps are the worst. If mine cramp, I am sore for days after. It feels like my muscles are tearing apart. Anywhere else is fine. Biceps, forearms, thighs and calves all feel good! A cramp there is like a tremor and I like to play with it and watch the muscle move, without my telling it to. No pain. Only hamstrings! And abs. I had ab cramps, in college, after a long set of inclined sit ups, with weights added. Oweeeee!

You know what else sucks? I ride after work, then again, first thing in the morning. I wake up feeling like I just got off the bike. Then it's time to get right back on. Grrrr.

A big cup of coffee helps loads, in the AM. I look forward to coffee anyway, but on weekends, there will be no bike riding and extra coffee. I will savor it like it is special.

well,I hate to break the bad news to you but caffine is a dehydrator,tho I know how you feel,I am weaning myself off tha stuff also because of my acid reflux,,I am on half caff now,and doing well..when this supply runs out it will be caff free.
i hate exercising too. i would if i had a buddy, but everyone keeps bailing on me. too bad we don't live closer

i've gained 30 pounds since august lol

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