disgusting question

i saw someone once who cut the slugs in half before giving them to her chickens, apparently exposing their insides was enough to show the hens that slugs were food (in her case).

having access to the outside world in general is a risk of exposure to parasites... it's not something you're ever going to control, unless you keep your chickens totally inside forever (and even then, sometimes they get in). bugs are great free food for chickens. if you're really worried about parasites, you can research deworming and treat if needed.
Oh mine free range daily on 3+ acres of blackberry and wild bush bits between the paddocks and I try not to intrude on their natural quest for tasty bits.
But I've also seen them side-stepping around slugs with what can only be "the dreaded stink-eye."
I was hoping my girls would eat slugs, but now that I know about parasites, maybe I will change my hopes! They have eaten very small, 1 inch or less, but have never seen them eat bigger ones. And believe me...in Western Washington...this wet summer, I have had 8 inchers. I have "garden scissors" and cut 'em when I see 'em. I cut 20-30 a day. They do way more damage to my garden than the chickens.

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