Disposal of offal?

I bury the head, feathers, intestines and gall but the neck, heart, lungs, crop, gizzard and liver go to the dogs as raw food.
A dog can eat the head and intestines too, and there is no need to take the gall bladder off the liver before giving it to a dog. (Unless your specific dog is picky about any of those things.)

I've read of dogs that eat the feathers too, and I've read of dogs that will pluck the feathers before eating everything else. But I've always removed feathers, because I didn't want them lying around after the dog ate.
We harvest about 75-100 birds a year.

We save the heart, liver, feet, gizzards, heads and tails - bagged and frozen for human consumption.

The dog gets lungs, pancreas, and testes - boiled and used to supplement her dog food.

The esophagus, intestines, inner gizzard sack, and gall bladder used to get buried but now will be flushed into septic or burnt because the buried piles always get dug up by wildlife.
First time so I will be dumping all in the woods where I dump excess/very dirty eggs. An offering to the wildlife so to speak. Keep them going to an area well away from the coop. 1 heart and liver didn't seem worth saving for personal use.

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