DIY/Homesteading/Life on a budget

Nah, you're not bonkers, but just make sure you break down your projects into manageable tasks, otherwise you can begin to feel overwhelmed when you think off all the work that you have to do. And, while it's not important to start and finish one project before you move onto the next, try not to have too many going at once. You need to see progress, and you need to see closure on some of your projects to feel a sense of accomplishment. If you have too many projects going at once, and it takes forever to get them accomplished, that feeling of being overwhelmed, like drowning, will drag you down and zap your spirit and energy. Make sure you enjoy the ride; don't worry as much about the destination. There is and will always be more to do and more you want to do.
I know what you mean, like when I try to take on cleaning the whole house. I will most certainly be busy but hopefully not overwhelmed.
Oh I have a LOT of ideas. Now I'm just waiting to put them in effect!
I have seen some similar threads but they have gotten so many responses that I don't want to but in with comments/ questions on the original message. 

So here it is. My husband and I are buying our first house, we should close in about a month and the house was built in 1975... it is complete with wood paneling and all; needless to say I have a lot of work to do on the house, a lot of DIY projects planned. 

In addition to remodeling the house I'm planning on starting homesteading with gardening, chickens, ducks, quail, and meat rabbits. 

I'm also trying to do ALL of this on a semi tight budget. We have a monthly budget that allows $150 for misc and $100 for me... 

We are going to try to build all of the pens/cages or pick them up second hand. I have seen a DIY PVC pen that someone built for an iguana that I thought might work for quail. I'm have also read about getting free wood scraps and free pallets for use. 

How are ya'll living, remodeling, and homesteading on a budget?

Oh I also saw turning the wire cubby organizers into rabbit cages! ANyone have experience with that?

We have a lot in common! My house was built in the '70's and had the "lovely" wood paneling as well. When I was tearing the paneling off the wall I got the added bonus of discovering a huge brown recluse spider infestation! I inherited my house but it was in very poor condition so my husband and I spend most of last year remodeling before moving in. Now that we have most of the house taken care of we are going to do the homesteading thing this year. I'm starting off with chickens, ducks, and guineas. Possibly some meat rabbits too. I lucked out again and there was an old shed that we are converting into a chicken coop. We live in a wooded area so to save money on lumber we cut trees off our property and use them as poles that we can attach chicken wire to for our run. Everyone has given lots of great advice that I agree with so I don't have much to add to it except about the tile counter tops. I think they are a great idea! Thats what we did in our house. :)
Wow yours looks great. I wasn't thinking that big of tiles but now I am!
Do you mind if I feature you on my blog? For your countertops and backsplash?
I use craigslist but in my area the farm/garden section is sparse. I have heard good things about habitat for humanites restore in other areas too, but mine is again sparse...

I was on a farm as a child and loved it but this will be my first one!
Yes I just discovered our habitat for humanity store here and it is awesome especially for building projects! Yes start small. I am going on my third week on here and I have learned a ton and I keep a running word document on stuff that I want to remember.
Your lucky. Ours here isn't great, I found things I could actually get cheaper at Home Depot! Of course I also didn't understand the discount thing they were running but when I am moved into my house I will check on it and find out.

I don't think I have forgotten much of anything from here! I got my first animals as far as homesteading goes today though! 2 four month old rabbits, not related! In two months I can breed them, and I will also be getting a white NZ at that time to breed. They are both supposed to be NZ, a black and grey (known as a blue).

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