DIY Incubator w/ automatic turning airflow problem


In the Brooder
Sep 19, 2017
I have recently been working on a DIY incubator. It has a full automatic turning system, and a Dixell thermostat. I'm still waiting for the hygrostat and mist maker to arrive, to implement an automatic humidity control.
This incubator has 2 trays with 30 chicken egg capacity each (or about 90 quail eggs). I have a smaller DIY hatcher, where I dont have turning, and have higher humidity.
I'm having about 50% success rates in the cabinet, and then nearly all the eggs that make it to lockdown make it through.

I have noticed my humidity is too high, but my biggest concern is the airflow.
I'm planning on remaking the trays, for a larger capacity.
At the moment I have a 120mm computer fan on the top "pulling" the air into the silicone heating wire.
I have seen some people using some external conducts forcing the air cold air to rise, others only have horizontally placed fans.


Can you give me some advice?

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