DIY Instructions for Very EASY heated waterer for under $20 bucks

I was really thinking this would be the answer to our frozen water. I used the exact parts listed here, and the horizontal nipples, alas, it froze solid earlier this week in SE Minnesota. I didn't have it plugged in to a thermocube, so I know it was on, and I brought inside and it all still works fine. It just got too cold for it to keep up.

Back to the drawing board! In the meantime, I'm off to haul another bucket of fresh water down to the coop
I was really thinking this would be the answer to our frozen water. I used the exact parts listed here, and the horizontal nipples, alas, it froze solid earlier this week in SE Minnesota. I didn't have it plugged in to a thermocube, so I know it was on, and I brought inside and it all still works fine. It just got too cold for it to keep up.

Back to the drawing board! In the meantime, I'm off to haul another bucket of fresh water down to the coop
@sjsunshine was the outside and bottom of the bucket insulated? That should help alot.
No, it wasn't insulated...but it's been really cold here too. It had barely hit above zero degrees F for several days. I think it was working fine in the teens with an occasional dip below zero, but for January in MN it's just too cold! I'll put it out on the deck with some insulation for a few days to see if it keeps up before I put it back down in the coop. Thanks for the suggestion!
This thread is a "replacement" for my old thread where I was trying to figure out the best heated waterer.

After many different trials from "cookie tin waterer" with 40 watt bulb that didn't get warm at all, to thinking about using a heated dog water dish, I finally came up with this idea from reading MANY threads here at BYC.

I live in Miichigan right along Lake Michigan where is gets pretty cold during the dead of winter. If memory serves me right, from early January till late February it stays below freezing almost all the time. So I need something that wont freeze, yet want the electric running only when necessary.

We have 5 chickens and a 4'x4'x4' coop with a 8' run in our back yard.

This waterer is made from a rectangle empty laundry soap bucket that can hold about 4 gallons of water, a submersible heater from Walmart, a submersible fountain pump from Harbor Freight, some 3/4" PVC pipe, and a nipple from a package purchased on Ebay from China. The heater and pump are plugged into a Thermocube that allows the electric to turn on when the temp of the cube is at 35 degrees and turns off at 45.

The bucket is raised off the coop floor about chest height of the chickens with cement block and some patio blocks. Under where the nipple is I put some folded up newspaper to catch any drips the chickens make.

Walmart heater:

Harbor Freight fountain pump:

Make sure any water item is plugged into a GFCI outlet. You don't want to find "fried chicken" in your coop!

Next to the waterer is a 5 gallon bucket feeder which is PRICELESS. You can find details on how to make this for $3 bucks in other BYC threads.

I believe this waterer will be the winner for me this winter. This is our first winter with chickens.

Please feel free to ask any questions. I'd be happy to share any suggestions to help you make one too!

Late addition to the bucket above.......... A drip catcher for stray drips

This is a test of the pump and heater in a round 5 gallon bucket.

The pvc and nipple that the chickens drink from

UPDATE - My new horizontal nipple bucket!!!!

I am now using horizontal nipple in a bucket and couldn't be happier!! It doesn't drip!!! I'll never go back!!!!!!!!

You can see the red nipple in the "Wind Fresh" bucket in the lower right corner. It works GREAT!!!!!!!!! ABSOLUTELY no drips - None at all!!!!!

After mostly thawing the bucket overnight in the house there was just a bit of ice left. Dh plugged in the heater and tested it, it melted the small remaining amount of ice and he could feel that the heater was warm. So I put it back out there with the circulating pump going and the heater on max. So far so good. It got up to 20F today, low tonight is forecast to be 13F. Will check in the morning whether the heater can keep it from freezing. We were wondering if the heater was not able to thaw ice that had already formed because the heater was set to low to begin with, but might be able to keep up now with a fresh start. If not I'll get something with a higher wattage.

After mostly thawing the bucket overnight in the house there was just a bit of ice left. Dh plugged in the heater and tested it, it melted the small remaining amount of ice and he could feel that the heater was warm. So I put it back out there with the circulating pump going and the heater on max. So far so good. It got up to 20F today, low tonight is forecast to be 13F. Will check in the morning whether the heater can keep it from freezing. We were wondering if the heater was not able to thaw ice that had already formed because the heater was set to low to begin with, but might be able to keep up now with a fresh start. If not I'll get something with a higher wattage.

The wattage is does not really have anything to do with the thermostat....just heats more water faster.
Even the lowest setting(probably 68F?) should be plenty to keep 5 gallons of water thawed.
Might be it's too high of a wattage for just 5 gallons.

Is this the heater you have?
That's made for 40-50 gallons.
It's probably an older version of that heater, because ours is green and the dial is different, you have to use a coin to turn it. I know it's meant for a 40-50 gal aquarium, but that's generally to keep the tank at 68 degrees in a house at indoor temperature. I have it plugged into a thermocube so it won't keep heating the water in the bucket when not necessary. Would there be any other issues?

Well, I left the bucket out last night, but when I checked it at 10 the water in the bottom of the cups of the nipples was freezing so I brought the bucket in. I'm just going to bring it in every night. it is able to keep up during the day out in the run even when it was -14 to -6, and it is daytime when they need the water. I agree crunchynurse, that a heavier 5 gallon bucket would be hard to lug in and out morning and night
Left it out last night, with a low of 15F. Sides of the bucket were again frozen, at least 1/2 inch thick. Skim ice over the top easily broken with my fingers. Heater and pump are both running. So my question is, do I buy one of the 250 watt bucket heaters or birdbath heaters on Amazon? Will that keep it thawed? I will wrap the bucket in bubble wrap as soon as I am able. I ordered a laptop stand, hopefully the package will have enough bubble wrap in it. :) I'll try the bubble wrap first.

My other concern, I feel the birds have given up trying to drink from the horizontal nipples. They weren't really trying when I put it out yesterday after thawing it in the house. They drank the water I spilled in the process of filling it, but I didn't actually see them use the nipples. The had other water all day though, so maybe they weren't all that thirsty. I hope if I can get this working they will actually use it!

Left it out last night, with a low of 15F. Sides of the bucket were again frozen, at least 1/2 inch thick. Skim ice over the top easily broken with my fingers. Heater and pump are both running. So my question is, do I buy one of the 250 watt bucket heaters or birdbath heaters on Amazon? Will that keep it thawed? I will wrap the bucket in bubble wrap as soon as I am able. I ordered a laptop stand, hopefully the package will have enough bubble wrap in it. :) I'll try the bubble wrap first.

My other concern, I feel the birds have given up trying to drink from the horizontal nipples. They weren't really trying when I put it out yesterday after thawing it in the house. They drank the water I spilled in the process of filling it, but I didn't actually see them use the nipples. The had other water all day though, so maybe they weren't all that thirsty. I hope if I can get this working they will actually use it!

A 250 watt deicer will not get the water anywhere near as warm as an AQ heater....I'd insulate first.

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