DIY Instructions for Very EASY heated waterer for under $20 bucks

A tank heater did not work for me, froze in temps above zero, it is not as warm as the aquarium heater either. The deicer is not as warm as the aquarium heater, but if your aquarium heater is not working as in it may be broke, it may be worth a try, it seems to do a better job than a tank heater. can always bring it back to the store if it does not work.
It's not a new one, we had it in a fish tank years ago. The light does come on, and it's doing something but not enough. I'm going to try insulating the bucket to see what happens.

I have used the same little Tetra heater for 3 years successfully. This year I had to buy a new one, old heater wouldn't heat.
So this is my setup based on the original poster's arrangement and other ideas I picked up around BYC:
I sent DH out for a food grade bucket--told him to check local bakery depts and donut shops--he came home with one from ACE. While it was not FREE, I can see through it which is awesome for checking water levels, I highly recommend this type of bucket for waterers.

We used EBAY horizontal nipples in the wall of the bucket and cut a hole into the lid for the deicer plug to go though. Then we cut some gasket material to fit over the lid hole to cut back on dust and debris floating into the bucket. We are using a bird bath deicer on a thermocube connected to a heavy duty power block. All of the electrical connections are housed in the black box above the cabinet.

The deicer I do not have specific info on since it was purchased by my DH at ACE but it was one we found to be safe for plastic and reviewed positively by others who use it for the purpose of heating chicken water. The extension cord is cold weather rated 12 gauge Yellowjacket. I was an electrical plant operator in the Navy and know just enough to be wary of issues so I tried to set my system up as "safely" as possible (considering I am running an extension cord out to a coop to heat things all winter). None of the cords are exposed to the girls and none of the connections are exposed to the elements. The only other thing in the box is a mechanical timer plugged into the power block that controls my LED rope lights that just go on at 5AM and off at 4PM. My run is covered and under trees and I found it too dark without lights once stormy winter weather settled in.

I have had NO issues with frozen water since setting this up. Not one, and we have been below freezing and down to -thirties with wind chill. I have a gallon milk jug I use to add poultry water conditioner and water to top off the bucket as needed. No more hauling water back and forth to battle the freezing temps, yay!

Next on my list is adding a heated dog bowl for their fermented feed.

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