DIY windbreak


Jul 7, 2018
SE Kansas
Any suggestions for a quick windbreak to put by my door for my chickens? They hang out by my patio door all day, for the heat escaping the house maybe? It’s 18 degrees here and I feel bad. Maybe if they had something to block the wind they’d be warmer.
Depending on how many birds you are talking about, I have tipped a tote over, put some bedding in it, so that the "back/bottom" of the tote is facing the prevailing wind. You may have to anchor it down, if it is real windy.
My favorite wind break is a clear sheat of plexiglass, or a window, or whatever something that the sun can shine through.

It is very nice to block the wind but let the sun in.
Recently had some varmint destroy some underpinning. Needing to block the wind but not wantung to deal with cost andatime to reinstal the original underpinning, i purchased Dogeared cedar fence panels for forty bucks. Cut them in half to get four 3' high by 8' long sections. I would think one 8' x 3' section at the corner of your patio would give them a place to huddle.
Recently had some varmint destroy some underpinning. Needing to block the wind but not wantung to deal with cost andatime to reinstal the original underpinning, i purchased Dogeared cedar fence panels for forty bucks. Cut them in half to get four 3' high by 8' long sections. I would think one 8' x 3' section at the corner of your patio would give them a place to huddle.

That’s a great idea! Cedar fence panels are my friend! I used them for raised beds last summer.

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