do all roosters have spurs

At this point, I don't think you can stop him. He's very young to begin flogging, and I don't think you'll be able to modify his behavior at this point. I believe that your best bet is to cull him.

There are some techniques to put a cockerel in his place, but those all work best when you catch the aggressive tendencies before the actual flogging has begun. A cockerel will test you first, before he attacks you, to see if he will win a fight. He'll stand his ground when you walk towards him, he'll come up behind you with his hackles raised and his head lowered, etc. When he does this, if you react by squawking at the top of your lungs and flapping your arms and chasing him around the pasture, you may be able to stop the aggression before it starts--he was testing you, he learned that you're the bigger rooster, he'll leave you alone. However, your bird sounds like he's not only decided he's the boss, he's proved it on multiple occasions by flogging you and winning the fight. You can try to reform him... but I personally would try again with another rooster. You certainly don't want to breed from this one, since aggression is partially genetic and you'll just breed more aggressive birds.
What worked with my rooster that was flogging me is humiliation. For 3 days in a row I went to the coop after that had went to roost. With gloves on I picked him off the roost and carried him around for 20 or 30 min. I squeezed him up when he struggled to get away and yes I talked to him. After he calmed down I stroked his feathers and treated him like a pet. I still do this from time to time when he gets a little edgy and it fixes the problem. I think he now believes I am the boss not him. Someone else posted similar advice and I decided to try it. It really worked for him. He did not peck me at all but I expected he might peck me in the face or get really violent but that didn't happen. Just be prepared just in case. We are now friends at a distance unless it is time for another lesson from the boss lady! Lol try it before culling.

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