Do any of these breeds "fly" (as in perch in trees and such)?


11 Years
Mar 9, 2008
Rhode Island
Easter Egger
Rhode Island Red

Alll standard sized!

Are any of them notorious for an occasional fly up into a tree or on a fence post or something?
My EEs and Ameraucanas are better fliers than any of my standard breeds, though I did catch one of my BR hens on top of the coop once, bad girl. She was apparently motivated, LOL. I've never once had a chicken fly into a tree, not in the almost four years I've had them, though.
The lighter chicken breeds will generally fly the highest. A few blocks from here (in town), there are probably 50 to 70 chickens that all roost in the top of a large live oak tree every night. Many of them are Single Comb Brown Leghorns, but there are also a bunch of all black chickens that I think might be Black Australorps.
I have two Buff Orpingtons, 1 Delaware and 1 EE that choose to roost on top of a seven foot wall instead of the roosts I have provided (that are 1-2 feet off the ground).
I hate it when my chickens roost in trees! The young ones are subject to owl attacks. I've had both RIRs and Sex-links perch as high up as they could climb in trees (jumping around on things to get up higher, they were determined!). But typically the smaller the breed, the better they fly. The long wings compared to the body really helps.
And even the ones who don't fly well will use this method to gain height. I had a leghorn, an EE, 2 RIR and 2 barred rocks who regularly roosted way up near the top of an orange tree back when we were new to chickens. Couldn't figure out how they got up there as none of the branches were close to the ground. So one evening I sat out watching them as it got dark. Hop onto the 2' roost I provided; hop up to the pyracantha bush (about 4' high, very close); hop to the top of the wall (another 2' up); hop over to the top of the coop (2' over); walk to the high point of the roof--right near the orange tree branch--hop over about 2' and up maybe 1'). And then hop and climb through the tree branches until they were as high as they chose.

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