Do any of you hold back?

Holding back is not always what we want/need.

Sometimes we post knowing in our hearts that the animal in question needs to be put down. We just need a second opinion...or a third, maybe even a fourth if it is a special one. I know my husband will never ever be able to cull one of our girls, no matter how badly she may be injuried. So someday in the future (way off I hope) when I post asking can this hen can be saved? Please, don't hold back, tell me the truth. Just be a gentle with me, ok? I'm sensitive!!! (and just for the record, I'm gonna try for a day or two anyway just to make sure y'all know what you're talking about, despite the hundreds of posts you have all done and the vast amount of experience you all have)
That's just the way I am
It is my opinion that you sound like a person who respects others feelings. I've noticed not everyone appreciates the opinions of others and that can be kind of intimidating.
Some people are nicer to their chickens than the people they find themselves around.

But I think that the purpose of the forum is not to validate or invalidate any one person or idea but to allow individuals to make their own decisions based on a variety of experiences.
I personally have opinions but not very much experience when it comes to chickens.
So until the day I feel like an "experienced" chicken lover (which would include necessary mercy culling). I will not burden anyone on this forum with what I think.
My husband and boys envy you!
If any of you lot come accross me in a poorly bad way looking at you with sad eyes then just DO it

Seriously though - this is a forum and when I ask for advice I consider each reply. How can anybody be offended by a bit of FREE straight to the point advice.
Great post by the way
I have sometimes thought a bird should be put down, but I've bitten my tongue simply because I don't feel I have enough experience to make that kind of recommendation. When my favorite hen was attacked by a bald eagle, I did treat her as her wounds seemed to be superficial. She was fine in a couple of days. If I'd seen signs of internal bleeding, that would have been another story. I'm not prepared to treat that.

It also disturbs me to read about using this antibiotic and that antibiotic without knowing what's actually wrong with the bird. That's how you breed drug resistant germs.
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Thats the right way to be! Dont always take what people on here tell you as the truth! I dont...

If i'm really unsure about something..i DO call a vet or treat here at home (depends on what it is..)... unless the bird is very injured and its common sense that its suffering.. then we put it down right away...
I would try to help an animal and make it as comfortable as I can. But if it is just suffering and it is obviously terminal for the animal I would put it down. However I have heard alot of people speak about a dog here or there that had an unsure outcome and people are just ready to put them down, I'm surprised in some cases it's just a case of they can no longer have the animal and they do not want anyone else to have it." The dog with get over you and get along with the next owner". I said to the person. That seemed a little sick or possesive? I would get a second opinion from someone that has animals and might have a good answer. Some of the vets that I have heard about from different friends or associates, these vets are sometimes quick to euthinize too. And it may not be necessary. Well anyway people tend to get sensitive about their feathered, furry friends as I do, but sometimes you just have to decide and it sucks.
I agree with Opa, when I first started on this forum and tried to reply with what seemed to me an obvious answer from my utilitarian chicken viewpoint, I kept offending the fuzzy pink bunny tree hugging vegans who saw no other viewpoint other then their own companion animal luvy dovy concept. (Sorry, if this post offends you)

I was waiting for you to say something. lol

I agree with you and twentynine. I myself do get really attached to some of my birds but I have to be realistic and I understand that its just not reasonable or feasible to put alot of money into them. I have so far managed to do really well rehabing the minor things that have happened to my birds. I give the best care I possibly can but there is no way I can spend hundreds of dollars taking a chicken or a duck to the vet.
The experience on this forum is invaluable and has helped so many people become better chicken owners. So it's my opinion that if someone asks for advice here and you really think their chicken should be culled, you should gently tell them that that's your opinion. After all, they did ask for your opinions. They may or may not take your advice, but either way it's their bird and their choice. We can't always know for sure whether a bird should be culled by diagnosing over the internet, so we shouldn't judge someone if they don't immediately take our advice.

There are different types of chicken owners, some see their birds as livestock, some see their birds as pets, and some are in between. Of course livestock and pets are treated differently and I absloutely respect that difference. I think most would agree that we would all try and save our injured/sick chickens, not just up and cull a bird unless they knew it was necessary. I think a lot of the time, the pet chicken owners may not realize when it's 'time' because they are emotionally attached. A livestock chicken owner is usually able to do the deed themselves. If the chicken is a pet, the owner may not be able to do it themselves. But if the chicken is truly a pet, it would have the same right to a veterinary visit as a pet dog does when they're sick or have to be euthanized. I don't think people with pet chickens are selfish or cruel about not wanting to cull, I think they love their chickens, want to save them, and simply can't bear killing their own pet. But if a chicken is suffering and can't be saved with a quality life, the owner has got to be humane and either do it themselves, have someone else do it for them, or let a vet euthanize.

To some, chickens are livestock. To some, they are pets. Those with pet chickens can't suddenly begin to view them as livestock, and those with livestock chickens can't suddenly fall in love with them as pets. Whether someone has pet chickens or livestock chickens, there should be mutual understanding. There is a lot of common ground, we all want to take good care of our birds. There's no need to try to convert or degrade each other. One way isn't any better than the other, just different.
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I, too, have chickens as pets, as well as dogs and caged birds. I have posted on BYC for opinions and have appreciated every one, whether I agreed or not. I think we should all not hesitate to voice our opinions, as long as we use respect and consideration. Your experience and wisdom might just be what is needed in any given situation.

As far as it just being a $3.00 chicken, that's more than I paid for my dogs! I take care of all my animals to the best of my ability, but they all have limits, even the dogs. We just had to euthanize our 18-year-old dog last winter. It was sad, just as it is sad culling a chicken (and I cry whenever I do it), but sometimes it is necessary when there is no quality of life possible. We also raise meaties, not as pets, but there is still that little "I'm sorry, baby" feeling when it's processing time.

Anyone who doesn't have a "twinge" of sadness while snuffing out a life, be it for food or otherwise, would scare me just a little.

Anyway, that's off the subject - I say don't be afraid to post your opinion. You know the saying - Opinions are like ... everybody has one!
Not really afraid of giving advice or opinion.

I was feeling that maybe I was a bit different.

Example: all my chickens have names, they are spoiled, fed better than I am. Never would I want anything to happen to them. But if severe illness or injury strikes, I wouldn't hesitate a second to alleviate their suffering.

I was beginning to think I didn't fit in here. Simple realist, bird is suffering, owner must be responsible, it comes with the territory.

Another reason I have held back, I tend to be direct cut to the chase type a guy. I don't know how to express my opinion in a constructive and tactful manner. I don't want to be the one that passes out the broken heart.

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