Do any of you kiss your chickens?

Yeah i kiss my favorites sometimes. My son lives to kiss the baby chicks but, only on the head.
I do. A few of mine enjoy the hugs and kisses. I have a hen that it just isn't safe to kiss even though she loves to be held. Francesca has a thing for grabbing people's nostrils and her beak leaves a mark!
I kiss all of my animals,lol. Including my snakes.

I dont kiss my cockatoo though, he would bite off my lips.
Hmmm...kissing chickens?? I think that's illegal here in Texas. But yes, they'll get a kiss on the head or neck, especially if one of the boys are holding them. The cats get kisses too, which is a really bad idea if you just put on chapstick. Petooey!
Hey Julie, is that a black rosecomb?

We have a little rosecomb pullet. She's the absolute SWEETEST thing. She makes the cutest little noises while we hold her, and she wouldn't mind being held all day long. She doesn't sound at all like any of our other chickens. She almost makes a little purling sound most of the time. Except for the loud whistling squeak she makes every once in a while. I have no idea what that's all about!

Your guy is handsome, anyway.


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