Do apples cause low egg production?


11 Years
Apr 15, 2008
Somerset, KY
I read somewhere that giving layers fruit will cause a temporary stop in egg production. Is this true? I just found out this year that the tree shading where the chicken run is an apple tree. At least 1-2 apples fall off into the run daily and the chickens take turns eating on them. I throw them over the fence every evening. I'm now worried this will cause a delay in my chickens starting to lay.
I give my girls fruit everyday. Some folks claim the feeding layers anything besides their layer feed will "spoil" a hen and she will not lay as much.
I can't say I get 5 eggs out of 5 hens everyday, but we get enough to tend to ourselves and a few others. If you are not a production Poultry farm, then you must think that your girls are special.Treat them well, and you will see the goodness that you put into them by quality fruits, veggies and feed, you will have them for a long time.

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That's where I read it!!! Couldn't remember. Although even though they have been eating apples on a daily basis, I did get 3 eggs in 3 weeks...Of course it could be a different chicken each week as they are now 4 mo.s old. and some are at point of lay already.

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