do baby duckd need an older duck to help teach them about how to be a duck?


12 Years
Nov 5, 2010
cookeville, tn
lol I am thingking abiut getting some ducks I have a great place for them in a brooder till they can get out and about then they will free range with the rest of the gang/chickens I have a creek on my property that is about 2 feet at the deepest that is open year round my question is do I need to get an adult duck to hang out with them or will they be ok with the chickens when they are big enough to free range?
No, they do not need another adult duck. My neighbors bought ducklings to toss out with the hens and they grew up fine and with duck behaviors, haha. Admittedly, though, they do lack a few social skills with any ducks other than the ones they grew up with. Which is fine anyway.

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