do blue and black Standard cochins look different when they hatch?


Poultry Snuggie
11 Years
Mar 16, 2009
onchiota NY
I have a black roo over blue and black hens-will all the chicks look the same when they hatch? Or will they be different looking? I have 2 chicks I just hatched they are 5 days old and look exact? Now, I dont know if they are both from the same mom so that is why Im asking?

thanks guys-
Well I recently hatched some BBS Orpingtons and I'm figurin' that they'll look the same(?).

The blue one came out, well, blue. Gray really, but you know, that kind of gray that we call blue.

The slash one came out yellow, but with little tinges of gray here and there.
With your combination of black x blue you have the possibility of getting all three colors.

Just a couple weeks ago I hatched some Orps, and was confused as to the coloration! They only way I was finally able to tell the difference was that I hatched one of each color .... black, blue, splash !

Good luck!
Im pretty sure I didnt get a splash but oooh how I would love one! Now with knowing that info-I just want to keep hatching those puppies out!!!

Im pretty sure I have 2 blacks..Which I cool with I have 7 more of my eggs in bator and Mary I hope you get 1 of each oh and Carrie too oh and Sunangel too-they all have my cochin eggs:) please please if anyone gets a splash I have to see pictures!!!!
With your combination of black x blue you have the possibility of getting all three colors.

Just a couple weeks ago I hatched some Orps, and was confused as to the coloration! They only way I was finally able to tell the difference was that I hatched one of each color .... black, blue, splash !

Good luck!

Sweet-you just made my night:)
The coloring is so hard to distinguish sometimes. For example in these pictures.

1 (big fat) Splash, 2 Blue, 3 Black.


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