They both have lost of energy, but I'm having trouble keeping them warm and apart from each other and the other chicks. The first one got picked on when I tried to move it to the brooder. Urgent (I have to leave the house to go to work in 2 hours!)
OMG,They weren't ready to hatch that's why the egg was stuck to them. Put them back in the incubator put a soft slightly damp towel down and lay them on it. Set the incubator a little lower if you're worried about it heating up while you're gone, it can be 95 degrees. They haven't absorbed their yolk and bellies have not closed fully. Time will tell if they make it or not.
They're both running round! I was trying to keep them separated with a rolled up towel. But the one with the biggest deformity keeps climbing all over it!
I have another one on it's way, that is way too slow in coming out. I suspect the worst at this point. It's chirping, but it'll probably be stuck as well. Lost humidity during hatch dealing with a splayed legs chick that we being picked on, so opened up the incubator.
How long has it been pipped? If it's been less than 24 hours don't worry yet. They're not deformed that's the yolk sack its stepping on. They should calm down and go back to sleep, just let them be, moving is good hopefully their bellies will close up. A damp towel will help get the humidity back up. They can stay in incubator up to two days. I posted on your spraddle leg thread too. So nerve racking sorry your first hatch is so stressful.
I wouldn't do that yet, it needs to dry out. Don't give up on them yet, just give them some time to dry out and rest in the incubator. Please read your other thread, that chick needs attention now.