Do Brabanter start laying late?

My girls were born 5/15 and they have no interest in the nests. They are all snuggly with their roo, but for us so far, NADA.
Banter, who these birds are from, said hers began laying around 7 months. Of course it will be the middle of winter, so they probably won't lay, and then there is molting...I just hope they lay by Easter, so we have some white eggs to dye.

Let me know when your girls start. Don't you just love these cuties? They crack us up.
I will! I am so excited to post my first egg

I know, they are to adorable! I always joke with my mom, that Ellie (our brabanter) is pretty usless because we got chickens for the purpose of getting eggs. But when we were picking out our babies, I picked her up and she was so tame and sweet I had to bring her home, even though they only give you about two a week. Oh well, she is the sweetest thing. Do yours honk? She does, sounds just like a duck
It's so cute. And she ended up with just a tiny cowlick and huge sideburns. Here is a picture, post some of yours if you have any



I know! I was so excited to see her head of "hair" come in and she only has about three microscopic feathers sticking up
I love it though, she's so cute. And has the sweetest personality. We bring her and the babies in at night to hang out for a while and she just roosts on the chair and falls asleep with all kinds of caiose (how on earth do you spell that?) going on around her. Poor thing, the other night she was sitting on the chair and our golden ret walked past and smacked her with his constantly waging tail and knocked her all the way across the floor! She started screeeeaming
I just picked her up and put her up on the chair and she settled back down. I just remembered that, I had to share
Man, I don't know what I would do without all these crazy animals in my life!

About your golden. She comes inside and hangs out? Awww.

The other day it was really warm out and I left the door open while I went to the barn. A few minutes later I looked over to the house and saw 6 chickens (including 3 brabanters) staring out our living room glass door. They had paraded through the whole house.

We love all our animals too.

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