Do chicken phermones affect people


Rest in Peace 1970-2018
12 Years
Apr 6, 2007
Today I was trying to paint around the chickens door to the
run. I've been trying hard to get the back of the barn painted
and sided. The chicken door was open but I blocked it with
some plastic green mesh so the chickens couldn't get out or
on the paint. They were not happy and doing headbuts into
the mesh.

Finally, one of my fiesty white Leghorn hens blasted through the
mesh and towards me as I tried to paint the door. I was SO
mad I grabbed her, but instead of yelling at her, screaming, or
throwing her I BIT THE BACK OF HER NECK. I didn't bite hard
or hurt her at all. In fact, I think she liked it and I wasn't mad
anymore. I stood there contemplating that I had just bit a chicken,
felt better, and the chicken, still in my arms, was calm and happy.

Uhhh, I'm not kidding here and NO I DID NOT GIVE HER MY FAMOUS

Does anyone think a chickens phermones can cause a human to
act like a rooster? Or maybe I have deep rooted guilt because I
culled my roos.

PurpleChicken wrote...Does anyone think a chickens phermones can cause a human to
act like a rooster?

No, but I DO THINK inhaling the fumes from oil based paints or solvents can cause reactions of this nature.
I gotta stop posting whacky posts. Everyone thinks I'm crying
wolf here. It really happened just like I said. You should have seen
the look of love in her eyes. Her feathers sorta tasted good.


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