Do Chickens Bark???

I don't have any dogs and no dogs around here(no neighbors either). I was working outside and heard a high pitched bark. I ran to the coop fearing a stray dog had been dumped off. No dog around. The last few days I've been in the coop giving out their evening treats. (apples or grapes) I have one that is recovered from a jubo bone fracture from me shuting the door on her beak. (she was at the state teaching hospital for it this spring and fully recoved but is a bit shy around the others) I also have a Leghern with a clipped beak and s shy guinea. Anyway, everyone gets their fair share as I give eat their own pieces. If I'm slow a few will pipe up and let me know. Suddenly one hen out did the rest with her bark. Now she barks if I'm too slow on the second round or third.
One of my White Leghorns has taking up barking at night. I was on here looking for answers as to why it is doing this. Seems it habitually does this every evening about time to go to bed. I didn't know if it was the "alarm clock" for the other chickens or exactly what the behavior means! I have 22 chickens of mixed breeds and ages. I let them out of their kennels every day late afternoons to let them run around and free-range in gardens. The barking chicken seems to come back to the coop and stand outside and bark....kind of funny watching a chicken bark!
One of our Welsummer hens honks like a goose. She usually does it while begging for treats. It's so comical. No geese around for her to mimic so I don't know where she got it from.
Lol it so interesting how many different sounds animals can make. A cat can make over a hundred different sounds i curious as to how many a chicken can make.
I am so glad this thread is here, One of my 6 month old Red star's just barked, second time shook her head, scared the heck outta me.. .her name is Rebel, because she is!
My chickens think they're dogs. Lol. They lay eggs in the dog house, come to the back door for dog treats, steal the dogs bones, and they do their own kind of barking when the dog barks. Lol. They stand at my feet wanting to be picked up. Just today one wiper her beak on my feet. She doesn't like her beak to be wet. Lol. Sometimes I think they're like kids too.
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I just randomly searched "my chickens bark" and was glad to see this thread. We have 2 or 3 of our mixed flock that bark - and like as is mentioned here, it's a high pitched little one time bark. It seems random but mostly in response when I go out to socialize or fuss with them. The Barred Rock "Dini" (short for Houdini) does it, but we also have white orpingtons who do it now and then. It's just hysterical. It's been fun to watch the different personalities develop. Thanks for sharing experiences.

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