Do chickens destroy gardens?

Ok wait.....
(this is me remembering what happened when we threw tree branches into the coop)

OHMIGOSH yes. They will eat anything that grows from the ground. Which is basically everything. And then they will expect more. Thank God for our coop!!!!!
I was going to say "Does the pope poop in the woods?"

Mine left everything alone for a long time and I felt quite smug about it. All of a sudden - in one day - they discovered:
beans. gone.
peas. gone.
broccoli. gone.
peppers. gone.

I had to fence it all in. I recently pulled up much of it and let them back in there, thinking they couldn't do too much damage. I was WRONG. Good luck to me when I need to find my carrots that are still in the ground because the girls ate all the tops.

My chickens are veritable hoovers in the yard!
Thanks guys. What if I cover my prize plants with netting (I can do that) then could I keep standard chickens? I wouldn't want to only have bantams. I've read somewhere that you can put netting on the bottom of raised beds (which I have) then the plants grow through the netting and chickens can't pull the plants out as easily. I wouldn't mind if they ate a few tomatoes (I have too many:gig)

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