Do chickens eat blueberries?


(I was just thinking the same thing)
wow, thanks for all the advice everyone - I thought I would have to wait days for an answer. this site is wonderful!!
any thoughts on which are best for families - by families I mean, I have a three year old who loves chickens, and I would like her to have a friendly chicken to pet.
Probably will get 100 different answers on that one!!

If you get from a hatchery/ feed store there are no real guarantees, because they aren't always consistent with the breed type. From a breeder (check out the auction / for sale part of BYC) you can get some amazing friendly birds in Buff Orpingtons (I read somehwere they are the #1 pick for kids in 4H because of their docile personality).
I LOVE my Brahmas and Barred Rocks... LOL
Is the Pope Catholic? Do bears sleep in the woods? You BETCHA chickens eat blueberries! AND blueberry bushes. And the fly larvae. Om num num!

Getcherself a couple Buff Orpingtons, maybe a Cochin or two, and they'll be fat, fluffy, friendly chickens for your family.
Ok,.. now my DD HAS to feed our girls beets! Apparently Hot Pink Poop is cool!

the first time I fed them beets and I saw the hot pink poop I panicked thinking that they must be sick, but then I remembered they got the leftover beets from dinner and it was really funny because I was so relieved!

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