Do chickens get cold?

Bobby Chicken

In the Brooder
Aug 25, 2020
I live in Sydney.
Does the cold winter weather bother chickens?
It's been a bit cold lately - not quite freezing... but below 10 degrees celcius.

The chickens go into their coop at night.
I don't close the door/gate (because I can't be bothered waking up early in the morning to open it again).

Are chickens ok with cold weather?

Hi, I think some breeds do better in the cold then others. I'm in Tassie and have Silkies that seem just fine in cold temps. We've had plenty of freezing nights below 0 and even snow and they still go out to forage when its in the minus degree here, but not if its raining. I have a coop made from timber, no additional insulation, they just snuggle together closer if its cold :) They do seem to eat more in the colder weather, to help their bodies keep warm I guess.

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