Do chickens pass blood clots?!


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 22, 2011
i went to collect eggs this morning and noticed some blood in the nesting box. upon further inspection i found what looks to be a blood clot (?) about the size of a golf ball under their roost. it's not liquid, more meaty i guess. sorry for the graphic description. all of my birds appear fine, but i haven't had a chance to pick them up and really inspect. do they shed a lining ever, or is this really bad? this is our first go with chickens- they are about 24 weeks, all laying about a month now- some a little longer.
Sarah, don't panic! Yes, they do pass intestinal lining occassionaly. It is scarey when you see it though especially if you have never heard about it. If you go into the search bar and do a search for it. You will come up will more information and perhaps even some pictures to compare. I'm sure others will chime in as well. Best wishes!
ok, thank you! i had been searching, but for the wrong thing! i think it was just intestinal lining (i had been searching blood clots), but it sure seemed like a lot. i have been checking on them all morning and they all seem just fine. whew! no one told me having chickens would be so stressful
Oh it is! They also bring you Soooo much joy too. I out weighs the stress for sure. Just keep an eye on them and keep reading everything you can on here. At first, I spent much of my time reading the pest/predator and diseases/injuries posts. I think that at least if something happens and you have read about it before, you can say, "oh yeah, I remember seeing that somewhere" and refference back. Take care!

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