Do chickens sneeze???


8 Years
Jan 23, 2012
I was just out with my chickens. I have a BO hen that is making this noise and her head shakes. I swear it's like she is either sneezing or has hiccups. I thought a couple times I saw something wet flying from her when she did this. I thought it was just going to be a one time thing, but she continued to do this. Do they get colds? I have a flock of 31 birds. I hope they all don't get sick and die on me.
They have a well insulated coop with lots of straw and fresh water all the time. I also feed them fruits and veggies.
yep, chickens do 'sneeze'.....
it could be a sign of a respitory disease, or it might just be a dusty enviroment. u may want to keep an eye on it to see if it spreads, but it might have just been a one time thing

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