Planning to move 5 week old chicks out to the coop tomorrow. Do they need access to food and water 24/7 in the coop? Planning to let them out in the run during the day and the coop them up at night obviously. Do i put their food and water in the run or the coop? If outside, would be under the coop that is raised a couple feet off the ground. Run is fenced all over and covered in hardware cloth with a 2 foot hardware cloth skirt, so I don't think rodents will be an issue. Suggestions? If they should have access to food and water at all times, at what age do they no longer require 24/7 access?
Thanks for any info you can provide. This is our fist time with chickens and just trying to get it right. Maybe I'm overthinking things?
Thanks for any info you can provide. This is our fist time with chickens and just trying to get it right. Maybe I'm overthinking things?